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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has the 360 reached it's limit?


When they're done adding shaders and polygons, they could always go and make the art good.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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StarcraftManiac said:
Million said:
Maybe 60-85% I dought the 360 has reached it's peak yet , I seriously dought it.


 Yeah, I dought it too...


Wait, what's dought?!...


Sorry, had to! Dunno why I had to react this childish ...  

i'm on holiday so I don't have to spell correctly :(.


I believe that the xbox 360 has reached its limit due to not using Blu ray. When you have 50 gigs you can use, you can do a lot more graphically compared to a dual layered dvd which only holds 8.5 GB. MGS4 has shown the difference that is made by having a large amount of space to work with. Games will get bigger and better and unless the xbox adopts blu ray, it will be limited.

Anthrasax said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:
IMO there's still headroom, but game engine design is about optimal. You can still perform assembler optimisations, a launch game like Kameo already used up 85% of CPU cycles. PS3 games will grow much faster and further, there are still a lot of game engine design gains to be made on the PS3 (moving PPE and RSX workload onto the Cell's SPUs). The PS3 is has a lot more horse power under the hood.

Also DVD is getting way too small (texture, audio quality sacrifices and/or game length/diversity sacrifices) and if you game has to run without a harddrive that's also limits some potential.

I thought Halo 3 would push the 360 near to its limits, but that was clearly not the case. I think Gears of War 2 will be that game.

I never listen to your fanboy rants anymore. Notice I didnt answer your post last night? Want to know why? Because since I've been a member of this forum, you have said that your a programmer, and have worked on games. I could maybe believe that. But then last night during another debate to do with controllers you said you were a Physical therapist. Funny how you have a profession in every topix that comes up where you have a debate. I laughed so hard when you said that I nearly dropped my coffee. Every last drop of credibility went out of the window when you said that. LOL I know what the B stands for in mike B now.




Might as well consider your words as valid to yourself. I've been around for months and I always catch some fanbot drivel from you time to time. (quite often to tell the truth)


Good to hear. I'd love for yu to post the posts where I claim to have worked on games for the PS3 and 360 or claim to be some profession to prove my point. And I usually state to anything I post that isnt fact that I could be wrong. Oh I hope you also post that I am currently playing my GC about 90% of my playing time at the mo. dont forget that post. It's here in VGC somewhere.



You'll start to see PS3 games looking better the 360 as time goes on but not by leaps and bounds. Example GOW1 V.S. MGS4. MGS4 looks better but doesn't blow away gears by any means. I don't think you'll see much better then that though. And no GOW2 does not look like a big leap at all.

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The 360 will outsell the PS3 from August 2008 - February 2009 by an average of 25,000 a week worldwide. I also predict that 360 sales in Japan by February will be a steady 12,000 a week or higher. 



PooperScooper said:
Anthrasax said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:
IMO there's still headroom, but game engine design is about optimal. You can still perform assembler optimisations, a launch game like Kameo already used up 85% of CPU cycles. PS3 games will grow much faster and further, there are still a lot of game engine design gains to be made on the PS3 (moving PPE and RSX workload onto the Cell's SPUs). The PS3 is has a lot more horse power under the hood.

Also DVD is getting way too small (texture, audio quality sacrifices and/or game length/diversity sacrifices) and if you game has to run without a harddrive that's also limits some potential.

I thought Halo 3 would push the 360 near to its limits, but that was clearly not the case. I think Gears of War 2 will be that game.

I never listen to your fanboy rants anymore. Notice I didnt answer your post last night? Want to know why? Because since I've been a member of this forum, you have said that your a programmer, and have worked on games. I could maybe believe that. But then last night during another debate to do with controllers you said you were a Physical therapist. Funny how you have a profession in every topix that comes up where you have a debate. I laughed so hard when you said that I nearly dropped my coffee. Every last drop of credibility went out of the window when you said that. LOL I know what the B stands for in mike B now.




Might as well consider your words as valid to yourself. I've been around for months and I always catch some fanbot drivel from you time to time. (quite often to tell the truth)



Your new so im going to let you know. What selnor and starcrsraft did was trolling. They are just looking to cause trouble, and while doing so they completely derailed the thread. MikeB came in here to talk about the topic and he is allowed to do so. What selnor did was childish and wrong And I for one report both starcarft and Selnor. So lets not derail this thread and stoop to their level and get back on track.

OT: I have no clue

So what about reporting someone for derailing the thread in the first place. I'll give you a clue it starts with the Kameo using 85% of CPU bit. If that is not trolling WITHOUT eveidence I dont not what is.



You need to have good graphics and a large game. The problem with 8.5 gb is that if you have very good graphcs like in COD 4 and are limited to 8.5 GB the game is short which is the case for COD4.

demon123 said:

I believe that the xbox 360 has reached its limit due to not using Blu ray. When you have 50 gigs you can use, you can do a lot more graphically compared to a dual layered dvd which only holds 8.5 GB. MGS4 has shown the difference that is made by having a large amount of space to work with. Games will get bigger and better and unless the xbox adopts blu ray, it will be limited.


Crysis is on a DVD. Enough said.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

No. It's probably getting pretty close though. UE3 is very good (and I think most people will agree that the best looking XBox360 games use it), but it also has a lot of technical issues on both consoles. For example, I just played Mass Effect for the first time last night at a friend's house (awesome game BTW). But there were a ton of graphical problems with the game from screen tearing to framerate issues to texture issues.

When these consoles are having a hard enough time keeping up framerates in games like Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid 4, and others, it's hard to imagine that there's a ton of extra power just lying around. Of course, there will be optimizations as people get more familiar with the architecture, but overall I think that the current crop of best looking games is what we should expect. Just slightly better with smoother framerates. I don't think it will be like the PS2 where the first games looked quite literally like crap compared to the games that came out late in it's life.