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Mugabe says 'only God' can remove him as rivals consider pullout

by Fanuel Jongwe

HARARE (AFP) - President Robert Mugabe said Friday that "only God" could remove him from office, as Zimbabwe's opposition considered pulling out of next week's run-off election amid escalating violence.

"The MDC will never be allowed to rule this country -- never ever," Mugabe told local business people in Zimbabwe's second city Bulawayo, referring to the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.

"Only God who appointed me will remove me -- not the MDC, not the British."

Mugabe -- in power since independence from Britain in 1980 -- has frequently accused his presidential run-off opponent Morgan Tsvangirai of being a stooge of the former colonial power.

Later Friday, at a rally in Bulawayo, Mugabe said: "We will never allow an event like an election reverse our independence, our sovereignty, our sweat and all that we fought for ... all that our comrades died fighting for."

The MDC plans to meet Sunday to consider whether to contest the June 27 vote, with the party claiming that around 70 of its supporters have been killed since the first round of voting in March.

"In the light of the violence and intimidation, we will make a position whether we still feel the people's will will be realised, whether it's conducive to go into an election," MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa told AFP.

There were signs the party was deeply split on the issue, with other MDC officials contradicting Chamisa and vowing to press ahead.

Pulling out would likely mean handing victory to Mugabe, who is defying harsh criticism from abroad.

Western powers and human rights groups say the election has been tainted by violence and intimidation, while Tsvangirai alleges that Zimbabwe now is run by what is essentially a "military junta".

"The people have been subjected to violence and intimidation which are so blatant and they are disappointed that we are not having access to the electorate," Innocent Gonese, the MDC's secretary for legal affairs, told AFP.

"People are saying despite all that we should not withdraw and we also believe withdrawing will not solve anything."

Asked about the possibility of pulling out of the election, MDC treasurer general Roy Bennett told AFP in Johannesburg: "That's nonsense. There is no such thing."

Mugabe has vowed the opposition will never come to power in his lifetime and has pledged to fight to keep it from happening.

Referring to Mugabe's remarks, Chamisa said in comments published Friday in the South African newspaper The Star: "What therefore is the point of this election?"

"Why should we participate in it? Many of our members are now wondering and want us to pull out."

Mugabe has threatened to arrest opposition leaders over the pre-election violence, though the United Nations has said the president's supporters were responsible for the bulk of it.

Zimbabwe's police chief Augustine Chihuri said Friday the MDC was the "main culprit to the political violence that we are currently witnessing in the country".

"As the country prepares for a presidential election run-off next week, all necessary force will be applied on malcontents and perpetrators of violence... This violence is aimed at intimidating people from voting and we know it is in preparation of influencing the outcome of the election."

In a case the opposition describes as harassment, a court on Friday refused to dismiss subversion and vote-rigging charges against MDC number-two Tendai Biti, who if convicted faces a possible death sentence.

The magistrate ordered Biti held in prison until at least July 7.

Zimbabwe's attorney general refused to allow bail for Biti later in the day, though his lawyer has appealed to the high court and a hearing has been set for Tuesday.

Biti, the MDC's secretary general, was arrested on June 12 minutes after arriving back in Zimbabwe following a long stay in South Africa. He has been held in prison since then and was officially charged on Thursday.

A harsh critic of Mugabe, Biti faces a total of four charges including subverting the government, election rigging and "projecting the president as an evil man."

Meanwhile, the human rights group Amnesty International urged regional leaders to meet urgently on Zimbabwe's crisis, in a letter written to the head of the Southern African Development Community.

"People are being killed, tortured and subjected to other ill-treatment while the perpetrators are enjoying complete impunity," its secretary general Irene Khan wrote.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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I think its high time someone intervened. One missile is all i ask for.....

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

The only people with the ability or right to remove him is the African leaders.

They have supported him for years because he is an hero of the independence movement but now even they are finally deciding that enough is enough. Once the African community turns on him (as they are starting to do now) he simply will not have a strong enough political base to survive.

If the Americans (or anyone other than the Africans) try to depose him then the African community will unite behind him and we'll either be stuck with him or with somebody like him. Not a good idea.

Is Mugabe the Anti-Christ?
Did he have his gay lovers murdered?
Is he a communist?
Does he hate the U.S.?

Rath said:
The only people with the ability or right to remove him is the African leaders.

They have supported him for years because he is an hero of the independence movement but now even they are finally deciding that enough is enough. Once the African community turns on him (as they are starting to do now) he simply will not have a strong enough political base to survive.

If the Americans (or anyone other than the Africans) try to depose him then the African community will unite behind him and we'll either be stuck with him or with somebody like him. Not a good idea.

Americans? I don't recall America having anything to do with this, I did however hear the word "brittish" being thrown around a few times.


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fkusumot said:

Is Mugabe the Anti-Christ?
Did he have his gay lovers murdered?
Is he a communist?
Does he hate the U.S.?

People ask those four questions about every world leader. Americans are obsessed with the concept of anti-Christ. Who will cause the end of the world? lol.


wfz said:
Rath said:
The only people with the ability or right to remove him is the African leaders.

They have supported him for years because he is an hero of the independence movement but now even they are finally deciding that enough is enough. Once the African community turns on him (as they are starting to do now) he simply will not have a strong enough political base to survive.

If the Americans (or anyone other than the Africans) try to depose him then the African community will unite behind him and we'll either be stuck with him or with somebody like him. Not a good idea.

Americans? I don't recall America having anything to do with this, I did however hear the word "brittish" being thrown around a few times.



Yeah but Mr.Bubbles is American, references the fall of Saddam, and asks for one missile. I think he is referencing the Americans here.

... Later Friday, at a rally in Bulawayo, Mugabe said: "We will never allow an event like an election reverse our independence, our sovereignty, our sweat and all that we fought for ... all that our comrades died fighting for."


Thats quite awful. I was hoping new elections would get rid of Mugabe.. perhaps that was really naive thinking.

damkira said:

... Later Friday, at a rally in Bulawayo, Mugabe said: "We will never allow an event like an election reverse our independence, our sovereignty, our sweat and all that we fought for ... all that our comrades died fighting for."


Thats quite awful. I was hoping new elections would get rid of Mugabe.. perhaps that was really naive thinking.

They were going to... untill Mugabe started beating the shit out of everybody who voted against him.

Sadly Zimbabwe isn't strategically important enough for someone to kick the ass out of office and support the MDC.  It's a sad story all around if you know the history of Zimbabwe.  The African Union is trying... but i mean they can only do so much.

Too often in this world the great liberators of the people turn out to be the biggest tyrants.  The same thing could of happened if George Washinton wasn't the leader of the continental army.  Huge dick that he was... he didn't want to be a dictator.

To think too... it used to be the Breadbasket of Africa... and now they're people are starving and their currency is worthless.  That's why change needs to be slowley ushered in.  Sure it was racist that the white farmers were making all the money, but when you take all that away before you train people to replace the white guys... and then even worse just give it all to people you know rather then actual farmers...

The whole thing pisses me off.


He is crazy, what he has been doing to the opposition is just horrible.

"Like you know"