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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS; New series or a Continuation?

DTG said:
No new MGS games period. Why is it that movie franchises end but gaming franchises are expected to go on for eternity?

Do we really need a Matrix 7 just for the heck of it? No. Should be the same with games.


While it's a little sad that Snake's story has ended. I'd prefer that instead of dragging on the story, they should use the gameplay mechanics and experience used in MGS4 to make a new action game with it's own story so that way those who liked MGS4 could possibly get a fix from similar gameplay mechaincs and the story wont throw people for a loop.

For example, remember when Kojima was talking (not long after MGS4 was first shown at TGS05) that he was thinking about having scenarios and countries you could allign yourself to to get the job done while everybody else fought around you? I think it'd be sweet if that stuff happened.

Maybe with the improved version of MGS4 (ala Substance and Subsistance), we'll get extras like that or something.



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No more sequels. Prequels are alright. Since they're going to use Big Boss, maybe they can fill the gap between Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (1970s) and Metal Gear (1995).