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Forums - Sales Discussion - Best game commercials

The "mad world" commercial for Gears of War was probably the best IMO.


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I thought the Halo 3 commercials were embarassing.

Gears of War commercial is by far my favourite.

My favorite... The goofy mario Kart commercials.

Because it reminds me of the oldschool goofy commercials that were way better then the current ones...

and it led to this

War and Footage... that's classic.

Second place probably goes to the new Dragon Ball Z game.  Everytime I see it I laugh at how it looks better then the actual series.

Like if they wanted too they could of made the whole game 2D and actually had you play something that looked just like the cartoon i bet.

I really enjoyed the original Smash commercial too and this one


My favourite videogame trailer ever:

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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@ rocket what the fuck was that all about ?_?

rocketpig said:
Kurakasa said:
Where are the ps3 commercials? ;P


Prepare to be very, very confused.

Vaguely remember that, but the tv one was not quite as random. Woulda been funnier and made more sense if the gy at the end said "This is confusion" instead of living :P

Krusnik said:
@ rocket what the fuck was that all about ?_?

After repeated viewings, I have come to this conclusion:

European advertising agents are so cocaine-laden that nothing remains of their brains other than something vaguely resembling Jell-O. Being in such as a state, they were only able to piece together glimpses of their past experiences, which include (but are not entirely limited to):

- A skeezy hotel
- Crazy, drugged up people
- A nude woman
- A black bellhop
- Fireworks

Someone just added the PS3 logo at the end so everyone could get paid, get back to the skeezy hotel, pay the black bellhop, find a naked woman, do drugs, and watch more fireworks.

Apparently in European advertising circles, "That is living."

Or check out my new webcomic:

in my opinion, the halo 3 trailer is the greatest ever made

In my opinion This is living comercial that Rocket Pig posted is the best...................not

what the heeeeeeelllllllll is that ,,,I had never seen that commercial,,,, naked chick ,a guy Jer*ing off to a soccer match,,,,

this ad was probably made by MS for PS3,,,conspiracy I tells ya ,lol