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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales Of Vesperia Video Blowout! All NEW!

Slimebeast said:

HUGE LOL! This game just looks plain ridiculous.

Gah! These annoying kids once again, fighting big monsters while throwing cuss-words at them from left and right.

And people bash Oblivion...

I don't get it. Yet. What is so good about JRPGs? I'm serious, I can't imagine what the components are that make you "hooked" by this genre. Is it the story? The mesmerizing actiony grafix? The music and atmosphere? Environments? Or is it simply the core-mechanics that all RPGs have - the addicting leveling and gathering of loot (be honest now)?


The love of anime,i guess.At least that's my reason.Oh and most WSRPGS suck,ecpect for Bioware games.

@Soriku-This has been confirmed.It's coming out early next year for the PS3 with new characters and sidequests.

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this will blow the wii tales away in quality.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Is motion capture really that important?

Soriku said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Slimebeast said:

HUGE LOL! This game just looks plain ridiculous.

Gah! These annoying kids once again, fighting big monsters while throwing cuss-words at them from left and right.

And people bash Oblivion...

I don't get it. Yet. What is so good about JRPGs? I'm serious, I can't imagine what the components are that make you "hooked" by this genre. Is it the story? The mesmerizing actiony grafix? The music and atmosphere? Environments? Or is it simply the core-mechanics that all RPGs have - the addicting leveling and gathering of loot (be honest now)?


The love of anime,i guess.At least that's my reason.Oh and most WSRPGS suck,ecpect for Bioware games.

@Soriku-This has been confirmed.It's coming out early next year for the PS3 with new characters and sidequests.


Lmao. Stop making things up. Like I said, link please.

Ok OK.I was just trying to convince myself.Thanks alot,spoil sport.=)


Riot Of The Blood said:
this will blow the wii tales away in quality.


Damn Riot. Do you have some sort of daily troll quota?

Stop being stupid. Tales of Symphonia was the best in the series and I expect the Symphonia team to put a lot of effort into the sequel. Just because the game is on the HD console doesn`t mean it is better.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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Riot Of The Blood said:
this will blow the wii tales away in visual quality.


Gameplay wise, I feel the battle system on TOS for Wii is by far better, not to mention the gameplay.

In order to be sure, we need to play both games in order to give a better judgement.


Tales wii is a ps2-like RPG in quality.

I expect this game to blow it away. 360 is just better than the wii. It's like trying to compare FFIII on the DS to FF PS3. The PS3 FF obviously destroys it.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Slimebeast said:

HUGE LOL! This game just looks plain ridiculous.

Gah! These annoying kids once again, fighting big monsters while throwing cuss-words at them from left and right.

And people bash Oblivion...

I don't get it. Yet. What is so good about JRPGs? I'm serious, I can't imagine what the components are that make you "hooked" by this genre. Is it the story? The mesmerizing actiony grafix? The music and atmosphere? Environments? Or is it simply the core-mechanics that all RPGs have - the addicting leveling and gathering of loot (be honest now)?


that's my point JRPG don't have anything from an RPG beside the name and the word XP.... we seriously need to find another name for that category it's missleading..... JRPG in most cases don't have 10% of what is needed to truly be a RPG... I'm not saying they are good or bad..... but just the fact to have a deep story and character development and the linearity of those already negates the fact that it is a RPG.... i'm not even talking about the mechanics that are not even close to the simplest paper RPG.... they should call that interactive jap animation.... not RPG... I do love jap animation and a lot of those "JRPG" are in my top list of games.... but I don't agree about them being RPGs in any sens of the word....

BTW the vids don't load either with me

Riot Of The Blood said:
I expect this game to blow it away. 360 is just better than the wii. It's like trying to compare FFIII on the DS to FF PS3. The PS3 FF obviously destroys it.


I will pretend you didn't wrote that.... trolling like that will get you in more trouble that you may be right now