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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony expects to sell 10 million PS3 and 9 million PS2 this year

^very true...i cant wait for babies princess playground...i mean earthbound 3


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In the first 11 weeks of this FISCAL year they have sold 2.14 million PS3s

If we multiply that by 4 we get 8.56 million (for 44 of the years weeks)

then we have 8 weeks to spread across November and December, which should make an easy 3.5 million sales, bringing the total to 12 million.

That IMO would be a slightly conservative estimate, so it will likely manage closer to, if not over 13 million for the fiscal year.


Sony are being very conservative in their estimates this time around, perhaps because they fell short of last years they are compensating, and this way they can say they exceeded their target by huge numbers.

hunter_alien said:
mesoteto said:
CrazzyMan said:
@sc94597, it`s ok, you can wait for E3`08 then. If you need a confirmation. =))

yeah so that we can see NIN drop the big guns and steal teh show...i joke i joke, but seriously they wil drop guns


This E3 everyone will drop guns , big guns , not only Nintendo . IMO this E3 could easily be a tie , because all of them will want to show the best . However it goes , only us gamers will have something to win :) :P


I certainly hope they won't be dropping guns, what use is a gun if it is laying on the floor unused.

Personally I think Nintendo will be firing off a few short bursts of machine gun bullets (small but exciting titles like the Wario one) and will then have one or two golden bullets.

Sony I think will be mainly retrieving arrows they have already fired so they can shoot again (repeating things they have already announced) luckily a few of them are explosive tipped arrows like Resistance and such. [ignore the impossibility of retrieving exploded arrows please] And will fire a few handgun rounds.

Microsoft I have no idea to be honest.


sc94597 said:
CrazzyMan said:
@PooperScooper, Lolz
with FFXIII, KZ2, GoW3, RE5 and other great games it will sell MUCH more then 10 mln. =))

Sorry, but 3 of those games aren't announced this for this fiscal year and one is a multiplat. I do see the ps3 selling 10 mIn though.


13 million +, in fact.

hunter_alien said:
mesoteto said:
CrazzyMan said:
@sc94597, it`s ok, you can wait for E3`08 then. If you need a confirmation. =))

yeah so that we can see NIN drop the big guns and steal teh show...i joke i joke, but seriously they wil drop guns


This E3 everyone will drop guns , big guns , not only Nintendo . IMO this E3 could easily be a tie , because all of them will want to show the best . However it goes , only us gamers will have something to win :) :P


Yes, but the thing is. They already announced their lineups for Q3 and 4, while Nintendo hasn't. So nintendo will most likely steal the show.


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Shouldn't be that hard. They projected 11m last fiscal year so this is actually a drop of expectations from last year's early projections.