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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales demo up on marketplace. 360 JRPG domination continues?

Has anyone HERE actually played it yet or are we still running on hearsay from another forum?

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Dno said:
rocketpig said:

^I've heard that too and I'll believe it when I see it. For something as dialogue and text-heavy as a JRPG, that's a mighty tough goal to accomplish. Japanese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German... Ugh. I can only imagine the amount of teams it would take to accomplish such a thing.

MGS4 says hi^^



Good point.  MGS4 is more dialogue and text heavy than almost every JRPG


Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:

I think I'll just wait for the Tales game on the Wii, or just buy the GC one, since this one looks like a dud.

2 questions:

When is the Wii tales game coming out?

What is the Tales game on the GC called?


Tales for Wii comes out in 6 days in Japan (lucky). In the US, IGN has it listed for November. Europe...who knows? But probably a short time after the US release. The GC one is called Tales of Symphonia. The Wii one is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. It's a sequel to ToS on the GC so I highly recommend you buy ToS on the GC first.

I wish I lived in Japan.

I think I might buy ToS for the GC on Amazon, since I haven't seen it in my local GameStop.

No "mights". You MUST buy ToS on the GC :P

I just bought it throught the VG Chartz Amazon store. 


You're my hero <3

And mine too. I know that I am late to the party but the Vesperia demo seems pretty good to me. It has cool graphics, great gameplay, and great music. I am going to download it later today in fact, of course with me being a Godly Tales of fan myself....


Mistershine said:
Has anyone HERE actually played it yet or are we still running on hearsay from another forum?

Smbu2000 has. He liked it.

I will be playing it in about 4hrs, provided I can get a Japanese account setup, and find the game for download.

The things that we need to understand is/are:

#1. It's only a demo.

#2. It's only a demo.

#3. It's only a demo.

#4. It hasn't been released yet, nor has ToS2 for the Wii. It's hard to compare 1 game that isn't out, to 1 game that has a demo. Unfortunately, the fanboy defense forces from the PS3, Wii, and X360 are congregating here proclaiming each of their consoles are the best.

Oh how a loathe this forum any more. Can't a person just play the **** game, and comment on it without getting attacked by 200 armchair commanders?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

To be fair to those who started the domination's in the frickin title of the thread.


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Leave it up to Starcraft to start it.

Nevertheless, couldn't the other respective fanboys decide to behave, and be mature for once, and not post tons of BS, either?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Leave it up to Starcraft to start it.

Nevertheless, couldn't the other respective fanboys decide to behave, and be mature for once, and not post tons of BS, either?

Fanboys should be able to act maturly but because SO4 is on the 360 instead of the PS3, Sony fanboys are screaming like babies.


whoa whoa want fanboys to be mature and behave? Dude, your expectations are far too high. I'm not sure I've seen that ever...


The "domination" talk started with the OP of the thread, so you should take that up with Starcraft, Stickball...

And yes, it's a demo, but it's not like the demo is not indicative of what to expect from the game. Most of the gripes from the game were in terms of graphical quality, which isn't going to be changed much with the release date looming... But we'll see.

mrstickball said:
Now, why'd you include 2 years, Crazzy?

List just 07 titles for he PS2, please.


FF XII Pal, August, 2007 > any JRPG on 360.