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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales demo up on marketplace. 360 JRPG domination continues?

Now, why'd you include 2 years, Crazzy?

List just 07 titles for he PS2, please.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Arcturus said:
starcraft said:

So in response to me pointing out that the Xbox 360's RPG line-up AND library pawn that of the PS3, you argue that the PS2 won a year thats ALREADY past, and incorrectly label Mass Effect and Eternal Sonata (so far) as appearing on the PS3?

Where does he say that Mass Effect appears on the PS3?

In what he labels as a response to my comparision of PS3 and Xbox 360 RPG's, he labels Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect as multi.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Arcturus said:
starcraft said:

So in response to me pointing out that the Xbox 360's RPG line-up AND library pawn that of the PS3, you argue that the PS2 won a year thats ALREADY past, and incorrectly label Mass Effect and Eternal Sonata (so far) as appearing on the PS3?

Where does he say that Mass Effect appears on the PS3?

In what he labels as a response to my comparision of PS3 and Xbox 360 RPG's, he labels Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect as multi.


I think he means pc.


At any rate...I'll attempt to download it today and give it a whirl - see if it's as good/bad as people say it is.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Well I just played through most of the demo (I think) since I died on the "boss"? I think it was the boss anyway.(I've never really played any Tales of games, so...) It doesn't seem too bad actually. The backgrounds don't seem as detailed/lively as in ES, but the characters do look great!

I thought the voice acting sounded pretty damn good and comparable to other Tales of games.(note: I was listening to the Japanese voices ;-p ) I actually thought the background music was rather quirky and fit the scene(in the early part of the demo) rather nicely. Kind of reminded me like in LO when they had the moogle-esque music playing in a slightly humorous way. :)

I'm going to have to wait to see my gf try it out for her impressions as she's a big Tales of fan(and has played most of the Tales of games!)

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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King of RPGs in order since 2007 (if you ignore releases on previous years)

2007 - DS> PSP>PS2>360>Wii and PS3

2008- DS> PSP>360>PS2>Wii and PS3

Mind listing what RPGs came out for the PS2 in 07 that made it better than the 360? Same for the PSP over the 360 in '08 (outside of that, I agree)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

starcraft said:
sc94597 said:
starcraft said:
sc94597 said:
How is domination continuing? The game has already been announced. Anyway I would also like people in those regions to tell us about it.

So far the Xbox 360 is the only console to get JRPG's worth a look-in (hell, some of them are just plain awesome).

The reason there is a question mark is because I want people who can play the demo to tell us if the domination will continue in the form of another great JRPG.


Oh ok, but I don't agree. The wii is getting a few good ones that qualify as "worth a look-in" and the ps3 is getting final fantasy XIII and Versus, along with WKC. So right now the 360 has more rpgs "worth a look-in". but that doesn't mean the other consoles don't have any. This is without mentioning handhelds.

I repeat.  Right now, the Xbox 360 is DOMINATING JRPG's.  If you feel this will change when FFXIII hits, thats fine.  But lets have that discussion in 2031 when the game finally arrives.



early 2009 to be more precise

rpg`s at this moment whats out on the consoles and what to look forward to is a bit like this


  • blue dragon (360 only, was sub par according to critics, and poor sales considering install base)
  • lost oddesee (360 only, average reviews but not so great sales considering a temporary 6 million lead)
  • eternal sonata (dire sales for a timed exclusive)
  • infinite discovery (360 only)
  • last remnant
  • tales of vesp
  • star ocean 4 (will find its way onto ps3 BET)


  • eternal sonata (will come to ps3)
  • last remnant (will come to ps3)
  • tales of vesp (will come to ps3 eventually)
  • white knight chronicles (ps3 only)
  • disgea (ps3 only)
  • final fantasy 13 (ps3 only, and bigger than any other rpg in list above, will sell 10 million copies LTD, and 1 million ps3 consoles on launch week in japan only)
  • final fantasy versus (ps3 only)
  • valkyre chronicles (ps3 only)

considering the 360 list is coming after going into its 3rd year, and the ps3 list going into its 2nd year.i wouldnt call that domination

imo the ps3 list is better than 360 list.

i hope they can start trickling a few of them out this year, and then going into 2009, i cant wait for final fantasy 13

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk, I like how you naturally assume that nearly every 360 JRPG is going to the PS3, despite absolutely no news of that being true. On the other hand, you don't mention that it's possible the 360 could get a few of the PS3's exclusive JRPGs in the future.

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan. A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site.

If you're going to create a list of games, at least try to hide your bias a little better. While I have no doubt that some of those games will ultimately end up multiplatform, you're talking about 2009 Xbox releases that won't see the light of day on the PS3 until 2010 at the earliest.

Really, there's nothing to argue about here. Out of the consoles, the 360 virtually has the JRPG genre locked up until 2010. I don't see how that's even in doubt at this point. When the PS3 is getting its third JRPG, the 360 will have roughly ten. And if any console is going to blow by the 360, it will be the Wii.

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

Or check out my new webcomic:

It seems those guys from shameless preview stopped playing RPGs on the PSX days.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."