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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - gameplayer was@Too Human event lastnight(Too Human might turn out like Haze

No. Spartan turned an unknown Australian website's mediocre preview prefaced firmly by "we only had two hours with the game and we didn't get to check out RPG-elements, skill-trees, story and character development" into this:

For all we know, Too Human will be shit. But this preview didn't say it would be Haze shit. It asked a question, answered it, and decided that based on the available evidence, Too Human would NOT be like Haze.

Spartan ignored this and created a title and OP that made Haze=Too Human, evidently hoping people wouldn't hit the link.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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SpartanFX said:

Thanks dude for understanding that I just posted and simplified the story.

If I were to cherry pick would i mention that one of the previewers liked it??


You took the worst quotes you could, and changed the thread title so that it implied something completely different to the question the article asked, and ignoring that it answered it in the negative.

Would you feel I was cherry-picking if I said Rachet and Clank could be summed up by the sentence "Rachet and Clank, a poor mans Mario?"


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
No. Spartan turned an unknown Australian website's mediocre preview prefaced firmly by "we only had two hours with the game and we didn't get to check out RPG-elements, skill-trees, story and character development" into this:

For all we know, Too Human will be shit. But this preview didn't say it would be Haze shit. It asked a question, answered it, and decided that based on the available evidence, Too Human would NOT be like Haze.

Spartan ignored this and created a title and OP that made Haze=Too Human, evidently hoping people wouldn't hit the link.

flash news starcraft,,,,


might is not same as Equall.







He said it MIGHT be like Haze. He never said it WILL be like Haze.

And, if you'd reread the OP, you'd notice that he didn't mention the "poor man's Mass Effect" line at all.

I feel like you're on a witch hunt here.


they said much worse stuff that I did not mention.


and finished with something optimistic about the game,,,,which is very much unlike you when you find something negative about PS3




Around the Network
SpartanFX said:


they said much worse stuff that I did not mention.


and finished with something optimistic about the game,,,,which is very much unlike you when you find something negative about PS3

The last PS3 thread I posted in.  A few hours ago btw, so you know I didn't do it just for your benefit.

At the end of the day, you presented a modified version of a question that article asked in STATEMENT form.  You then proceeded to list negative quotes from the article.  The end result is painting the picture that Too Human has become Haze.  No doubt in an attempt to stave off people like me and Neos who might call you out, you listed you're "one reviewer liked it" comment in such a way as to create the impression they were an outlier, out of step with common opinion.

If I had done something REMOTELY like this with a PS3 exclusive, you would have been on me like a fat person on cake.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


I guess it doesn't matter if i tell you that the word guess is different from equall and also the question mark and closing bracket is missed due to space limitation in the title?

and Neo just attacked me cause he hates anything/anyone who likes Sony/PS3.He didn't even read the article.




As I expected ...

Time to Work !

SpartanFX said:

I guess it doesn't matter if i tell you that the word guess is different from equall and also the question mark and closing bracket is missed due to space limitation in the title?

and Neo just attacked me cause he hates anything/anyone who likes Sony/PS3.He didn't even read the article.


Crap, so when I get a ps3 after the summer I am gonna dislike myself? oh boy..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Rock_on_2008 said:
Too Human will turn out like Lair. Epic failure.

Man, do you realize that everybody dislikes you, even Sony fanboys, because you make them look bad.

What kind of human being wants a game to flop just because it's not on their console?

....sigh, I'm an idiot for asking that question, aren't I?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.