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Forums - General Discussion - Mongol Movie - Will you see it? Have you already?

Sounds very interesting and probably would also be very educative considering I don't know much about Genghis Kahn.

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TheSource said:

I saw it this weekend, and I was surprised. It was playing in a tiny little theatre in Princeton, but it was completely packed. Its a really good movie, even with the subtitles. It almost feels like an old school Western, everybody wears cool hats, the women are gorgeous, the men are reserved, the battles are bloody but not excessive, and everything is paced well. Definitely a mythical aura to alot of the scenes too.

Well, at least it's not another one liner. Didn't even answer my freakin' questions. Alright, I'll look up the listings for "Mongol Movie." Let's see what times it is showing.




is it this movie ?

looks pretty good i might have to go find where its showing at.

konnichiwa said:
Sounds very interesting and probably would also be very educative considering I don't know much about Genghis Kahn.

He's a lot more complicated then the "GAAR SMASH!" type of person history paints him as.


Montana I think the trilogy will be Genghis Khan focused, and this movie ends right as Mongolia is unified in 1206 but I don't know the details, it took like three years to make this movie so its not like the sequel will be out soon.

Its only playing at like 94 theatres in the country (though thats way up from 5 on June 6), but if you can find it, see it.

For the record the trailers you posted are for the movie...

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When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

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TheSource said:

Montana I think the trilogy will be Genghis Khan focused, and this movie ends right as Mongolia is unified in 1206 but I don't know the details, it took like three years to make this movie so its not like the sequel will be out soon.

Its only playing at like 94 theatres in the country (though thats way up from 5 on June 6), but if you can find it, see it.

For the record the trailers you posted are for the movie...

Thank you very much. Good, I look forward to watching how the Tatars are portrayed, if they are featured.