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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Once the PS3 reaches $299

Bodhesatva said:
largedarryl said:
blazinhead89 said:
$299 and games like GT5 , FFXIII, LBP, and Release of home would see a huge increase in hardware sales esp Japan, Price is a really important factor for god sake if PS3 launched at $199 it would of sold like crazy

And Sony would have also declared bankruptcy.


I also don't think Japan is a very price sensitive market, imo.  They do tend to spend large amounts of money on new trendy technology, but they are really size, image and power conscientious (again entirely my opinion on Japanese culture).

Exactly. People seem to like the fact that the PS3 is technologically advanced; this advancement is the exact reason the price is so high.

You can't have it both ways simultaneously, folks. Asking for a 199.99 PS3 is either asking for 1) Sony to go bankrupt or 2) the PS3 to be much more like the Wii than it is the 360. Since many of the most ardent PS3 fans seems to dislike the Wii's tech specs, I assume none of these solutions are palatable to you.

Next week: Corvette sells all their cars for 1,000 dollars a piece. Their market share would reach 90%+ in less than a month! What could possibly go wrong!


im not asking for a 199 dollar console or the specs of 1 im just hypothetically thinking, jeez, but at some point PS3 will be $199, jeez some people have an answer for everything

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Gamer4eva said:

Will it become the most dominant console in terms of sales HW and SW. So far this year the PS3 has averaged about 190,000 sold per week and it is still at a fairly high price. I really do think the price is the only major issue now because many issues of the PS3 have now been fixed.

- PSN is about to equal if not surpass XBL when 2.4 hits (in-game XMB and trophies supposedly)

- It's line up is one of the best now avaliable (MGS4, GT5P, Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm etc)

- Blu Ray (It is tracking above DVD at the same point)

- It is reliable (Well was anyway but it still is)

The only over issue is that it lack the fun factor that the Wii has but if we are to belive that this "break away" motion controller is a hit and Little Big Planet is as good as people make it out to be, the Wii will have nothing over it as price will be similar and the PlayStation Brand Image is still very strong. Then SONY just needs to roll out more casual games and then perhaps the domination will begin starting at $299 and maybe we will see weekly sales of perhaps 250,000 or more.

Anyway what do you guys think?



Btw, 2.4 was just officially confirmed,




Sky Render said:

To put it in the context of marketing a (at this point) theoretical product...

Suppose a home virtual reality set came out that retailed for $1000. Even though virtual reality is a popular idea that would draw in many dedicated users, a great deal of people would, upon seeing such a high price tag, refuse to get it. They'd see it as sinking a grand on something that they didn't need, during an economic time when money is tight. No chance, in other words.

Now suppose the price dropped to $900. A bunch more people who were on the fence about paying a thousand bucks for a VR set would jump on, but those people who saw $1000 as excessive for entertainment are unlikely to see $900 as any better.

Down to $800, and more people jump on. But again, those die-hard hold-outs don't want it. If anything, they're even less interested at $800, because they know that the price will keep dropping, and some day will be affordable to them if they still want it then.

Now let's say at this point a competitor comes out with a new virtual reality set which isn't as complex in its graphics and sound capabilities, but has a much better gameplay interface and is compatible with games from one of their existing systems. And let's say they retail it for $400, half the price of their competitor. The high-end users would scoff at the system for being so simple, but the superior interface would pique the interest of some of those who didn't want to look at the competitor's VR system.

Let's say the $800 model's makers, in a panic, drop their price to $500, just $100 more than this new system. Again, there's a wave of new users, but even fewer than the drop to $800. But why? It's only $100 more than the competition, and has much better graphics!

The reason is simple: the number of people interested in the higher-quality graphics that haven't already bought the system are very few, whereas the number of people who want the better interface on the newer VR set model is astronomically higher. Even some of the people who bought the more expensive set end up taking an interest in this simpler, but more immersive, device.

The moral of this little fictional tale is, the value of a product is not determined by its price, but by its appeal. And appeal accounts for far more than just the price tag.

Nice story and has some value to it. I would add that if the high end company drop its price too fast, it might also backfire on them as consumers might see it as a failing product. You want to have strategic price drops, not desperate ones.


kitler53 said:

I can only speak for myself - but i will buy a ps3 when blu-ray movies come down in price. till then i'm happy with dvds and wii/360 games.

edit: assumes standalones don't become significantly cheaper and sony continues to focus on making games that don't particularly appeal to me (read: everything that's not LBP).


You can find brand new Blu Rays for $15 nowadays and you can't go wrong with netflix or blockbuster online for unlimited movies for $20 bucks a month.


Gamer4eva said:

Will it become the most dominant console in terms of sales HW and SW. So far this year the PS3 has averaged about 190,000 sold per week and it is still at a fairly high price. I really do think the price is the only major issue now because many issues of the PS3 have now been fixed.

- PSN is about to equal if not surpass XBL when 2.4 hits (in-game XMB and trophies supposedly)

- It's line up is one of the best now avaliable (MGS4, GT5P, Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm etc)

- Blu Ray (It is tracking above DVD at the same point)

- It is reliable (Well was anyway but it still is)

The only over issue is that it lack the fun factor that the Wii has but if we are to belive that this "break away" motion controller is a hit and Little Big Planet is as good as people make it out to be, the Wii will have nothing over it as price will be similar and the PlayStation Brand Image is still very strong. Then SONY just needs to roll out more casual games and then perhaps the domination will begin starting at $299 and maybe we will see weekly sales of perhaps 250,000 or more.

Anyway what do you guys think?



Btw, 2.4 was just officially confirmed,




ah something on topic thanks

With HD DVD dead, the PS3 is going to sell tons of copies based alone on the fact it is the cheapest BluRay player and the console's sales numbers have been boosted from the begining because of that fact. Not saying it isn't deserving because I will buy one for the BluRay alone (and MGS4 has a large influence ;) ) but I am waiting until it is worth it to me to buy. $299, I'd buy it.

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DragonLord said:
Wii won't have a price drop until Nintendo gets its supply issues worked out. Hell, they can't meet demand the way it is--a business doesn't drop price when they can't even meet current demand levels. Hell, Nintendo is probably kicking themselves in the ass that they didn't come to the market with a $299 price tag. People would still be gobbling it up. Prices drop when you're sales aren't going well and you want to sell more...Nintendo can't sell anymore unless they up production.

Haha I agree, the fiscal numbers for Nintendo are already insane and them pocketing 50 bucks more per console? Damn....easily another 500 million - 1 billion in the game depending on how many units they would ship in a given year.


Well, I will tell you what I think:

When the Ps3 is $299:

Ps3' s sales will get higher.

Games on it will sell better.

It still WILL NOT touch the Wii in any way. (i both hardware and software by the way.)

It will sell great in al territories compared to this and last year.

It will destroy the 360.

It will compete with Others. It will not get anywhere close to the Wii in NA or Japan.

In Others, it will probably still be beaten by Wii, but it will look like a scratch compared to what MONSTROUS sales the Wii will have already put out in Na and Japan.

*Console sales predictions are in my sig just for references.*

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
HappySqurriel said:
Lord N said:
HappySqurriel said:

The PS2 and XBox launched at $450 in Canada, currently the PS3 is $400 and the XBox 360 is (essentially) $300; they're both getting destroyed by the Wii ...

In other words, it is foolish to assume that the PS3's only (or even main) problem is its price. The fact is that the PS3 is currently in a price range (worldwide) that people are comfortable paying for electronics that they truely desire, and will justify the cost if it really apeals to them; the PS3 really does not appeal to people on the same level as the PS2 did when it was released.


In what world?

$400 and especially the launch price of $500-$600 is far more than what most people are willing to pay for a video game console no matter what it does. The vast majority of all consoles were sold at a price of $200-$300 dollars whereas consoles priced above that have done rather poorly. The fact that the PS3 and 360 with their rather slow sales are the best selling consoles at their respective price points should tell you a lot.

Had the PS3 launched at $299, whether it would have been able to outsell the Wii is up for debate(personally, I think the Wii would still be outselling it), but it's pretty obvious that its sales would be a hell of a lot higher than what they are right now.



People seem to be able to find $500 when a peice of electronics that they desire ...

I'm not saying that people are used to spending $500 for a console, but people also weren't used to spending $400 on a MP3 player before the iPod was released ...



Did you notice how fast the iphone and itouch dropped in price? And that's on a product that a lot more people buy. Most people just aren't willing to pay $400+ for an electronic device.

AT&T now charges $10 more per month for iPhone service for 2 years, which means they are actually making more money. They are just doing it in a way that makes you think you are saving.

i already have a PS3, it cost me £300, worth every penny.