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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Once the PS3 reaches $299

No, it would have had to of launched at $299.99. That ship has sailed. In terms of profitability and market share retention, PS3 is a failure. (relative to the other playstations)

The magic price point this gen is going to be $250. Last gen most PS2 sales were at or under $200, so with inflation and whatnot, that price should be around $230 this gen. So Wii is the only one close to a killer price point. This is why Xbox 360 needs an $100 price drop in America.

I think at $299.99 sales for PS3 should pick up, if it comes in the next 18 months. After that it won't matter, whatever console is winning will do best, regardless of the prices of other consoles (look at Gamecube- it was $100 for quite some time and still didn't sell(

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largedarryl said:
blazinhead89 said:
$299 and games like GT5 , FFXIII, LBP, and Release of home would see a huge increase in hardware sales esp Japan, Price is a really important factor for god sake if PS3 launched at $199 it would of sold like crazy

And Sony would have also declared bankruptcy.


I also don't think Japan is a very price sensitive market, imo.  They do tend to spend large amounts of money on new trendy technology, but they are really size, image and power conscientious (again entirely my opinion on Japanese culture).

im just hypothetically thinking and trying to get across my point that price is a major factor

Sky Render said:
The PS3 is certainly on track to surpass the 360; that's just a given at this point. But a small jump in sales from one game (or two, or three, or even ten) is not going to push it permanently ahead of the Wii. The "more, bigger, better" path has not helped it so far, and there's no reason to assume that it suddenly will, either.

What it will take for the PS3 to have a solid chance against the Wii is something truly disruptive being introduced which cannot be replicated easily on any other system. A feature which relies on some unique quality of the PS3, and which is valued by a myriad of customers (potential and present) instead of just a niche group like the dedicated fanbase.

PS2 did that with DVD. PS2 came out first and was cheaper than Xbox, so some people bought it as a DVD player which boosted the system. I can't think of anything PS3 can do to disrupt though. Blu Ray isn't the same as DVD. VHS to DVD is a much bigger jump than DVD to BLU. DVD to BLU would be like... VHS to SVHS... Super VHS has 200% faster rewind/fastforward, 20% better picture and sound quality, and the tape wears out 1/2 as fast. However, the SVHS tapes cost twice as much, and SVHS players cost 20 times as much as VHS players...


largedarryl said:
That's 233%, but I didn't actually attempt to verify Kasz's numbers. I only made the calculation from what he posted.


Sigh. The actual figures for the first years were 1.285 million consoles. The second year sold 2.684 million (for a total of 3.969 million). That's an increase of ~208%, if you want to be precise, or ~200% for those not looking to go to the nearest millionth decimal point.

I don't mind nit picking. At all, actually; fact checking is good. However, if you end up being wrong (as in this case), just say: "Oops, my bad, " or "sorry" or even "good to know."  200% is about as spot on as you can get without getting anal (It's not 2:30 PM, it's 2:30 PM and 25 seconds!)">">

The total is 200% as high as the first year, and so it is 100% higher. So the increase is 100%!

The numbers all start at 100%, so a 200% increase would be 300% as high as the original number!

Around the Network
largedarryl said:
blazinhead89 said:
$299 and games like GT5 , FFXIII, LBP, and Release of home would see a huge increase in hardware sales esp Japan, Price is a really important factor for god sake if PS3 launched at $199 it would of sold like crazy

And Sony would have also declared bankruptcy.


I also don't think Japan is a very price sensitive market, imo.  They do tend to spend large amounts of money on new trendy technology, but they are really size, image and power conscientious (again entirely my opinion on Japanese culture).

Exactly. People seem to like the fact that the PS3 is technologically advanced; this advancement is the exact reason the price is so high.

You can't have it both ways simultaneously, folks. Asking for a 199.99 PS3 is either asking for 1) Sony to go bankrupt or 2) the PS3 to be much more like the Wii than it is the 360. Since many of the most ardent PS3 fans seems to dislike the Wii's tech specs, I assume none of these solutions are palatable to you.

Next week: Corvette sells all their cars for 1,000 dollars a piece. Their market share would reach 90%+ in less than a month! What could possibly go wrong!">">

Gamer4eva said:

Will it become the most dominant console in terms of sales HW and SW. So far this year the PS3 has averaged about 190,000 sold per week and it is still at a fairly high price. I really do think the price is the only major issue now because many issues of the PS3 have now been fixed.

- PSN is about to equal if not surpass XBL when 2.4 hits (in-game XMB and trophies supposedly)

- It's line up is one of the best now avaliable (MGS4, GT5P, Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm etc) I disagree, while I think the PS3 exclusive line up is very strong and getting up to the 360's exclusive, I'd still favor the 360 line up at this point

- Blu Ray (It is tracking above DVD at the same point)

- It is reliable (Well was anyway but it still is)

The only over issue is that it lack the fun factor that the Wii has but if we are to belive that this "break away" motion controller is a hit and Little Big Planet is as good as people make it out to be, the Wii will have nothing over it as price will be similar and the PlayStation Brand Image is still very strong. Then SONY just needs to roll out more casual games and then perhaps the domination will begin starting at $299 and maybe we will see weekly sales of perhaps 250,000 or more.

Anyway what do you guys think?




An issue you forgot to mention is the BC. I think the PS3 needs Software emulation BC, especially in Japan, the PS3's sales took a nosedive when they went with 40GB only.


I also think the PS3 will end up 2nd this generation.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
The total is 200% as high as the first year, and so it is 100% higher. So the increase is 100%!

The numbers all start at 100%, so a 200% increase would be 300% as high as the original number!


Oh my goodness gracious, why are people challenging this? I hope this is a joke, Rubang (is it?)

The European figures are three times as high as they were last year at this time. Not two times, three times. Some people refer to this as "thrice" or "triple." Mathematically speaking, that is an increase of 200%. The US region, however, has an increase of 100%, as you indicated. I have never in this thread suggested that the US, Japanese, or worldwide sales increases are 200%. Let me break it down. Let's just keep this simple. The approximate increases are:

Japan: 0%
US: 100%
EU: 200%

Can we just drop this now? Why is anyone challenging me on something that I am unquestionably correct about? We have the data right in front of us. It's right here on the site! That's all I did!">">


Hahhahaha, awesome. I skimmed and saw the U.S. numbers right above my post and didn't read about the Euro ones.

BOOYAH MY BAD. I'm out of this thread. Carry on.