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Sky Render said:
The PS3 is certainly on track to surpass the 360; that's just a given at this point. But a small jump in sales from one game (or two, or three, or even ten) is not going to push it permanently ahead of the Wii. The "more, bigger, better" path has not helped it so far, and there's no reason to assume that it suddenly will, either.

What it will take for the PS3 to have a solid chance against the Wii is something truly disruptive being introduced which cannot be replicated easily on any other system. A feature which relies on some unique quality of the PS3, and which is valued by a myriad of customers (potential and present) instead of just a niche group like the dedicated fanbase.

PS2 did that with DVD. PS2 came out first and was cheaper than Xbox, so some people bought it as a DVD player which boosted the system. I can't think of anything PS3 can do to disrupt though. Blu Ray isn't the same as DVD. VHS to DVD is a much bigger jump than DVD to BLU. DVD to BLU would be like... VHS to SVHS... Super VHS has 200% faster rewind/fastforward, 20% better picture and sound quality, and the tape wears out 1/2 as fast. However, the SVHS tapes cost twice as much, and SVHS players cost 20 times as much as VHS players...