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Forums - Sales Discussion - wiifit : chance it is a fad grows bigger

For what it's worth, I've been looking for a Wii Fit since it was released and haven't had much luck. Just as with the Wii, by the time supply catches up, it'll have sold so many that it can't possibly be a fad any longer. :p

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I got lucky and pre-ordered mine through the VGChartz store, and it sold out at Amazon just a few days later. Imagine, if I waited just a few more days, I WOULDN'T BE THIS INSANELY BUFF!!!

I thought if a game sold 80% of its sales in the first week, that meant that it was hardcore as only hardcore gamers wait outside to get a game when its released.  Confirmed WiiFit and Wii are more hardcore than PS3 and Xbox360 games .  Honestly though, it goes back to what is said before.  American dollar = weak.  They make more money from Japan and Europe based on price.  As such, they are going to quench demand on those contents before America will get significant shipments.  This is aside from the US launch which Nintendo likes to do to get hype going and show 3rd parties what could be for them.

It may be dropping but thats probaly because unlike wiisports it doesn't come packed in and is somewhat more expensive. And who knows maybe they are stocking up on wiifit now to.     DAMN YOU NINTENDO AND YOUR SUCCES!!!!!!! .............................................................keep making kick ass games though. :)





#Live Life, Die Laughing#  *the laughter revolution*

I have been trying to buy since launch. My local has a list of 40 people waiting and told me I may have to wait 2 months to get it from them. I live in the uk.


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I wouldn't call it a fad. As you can see from what's posted above,, Wii Fit's sales fluctuate from week to week, going down a few weeks, than going higher than the week before. Notice how sales went down in Europe and Japan in Week 7,the week of the Americas release.

Obviously, this is all due to supply constraint. Even if this was a fad, it has sold enough. It's not possible for this game's sales to fall off the map any time soon. Having supply constraint has one itty bitty silver lining though. By the time supply is returned, the Wii will have an even bigger userbase, getting Wii more...peop- forget it.


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

obieslut said:
No point in this thread i made one and got the answer you are getting now.

SUPPLY, meh a lot of coblers. If Nintendo are not a good enough company to create enough balance boards or plastic wheels for MK then bah, they deserve to not sell that many Wii fits


Yeah Nintendo manufacture every single piece that's required to make the balance board.....

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

kirby007 said:

Sales History

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 2.20m 0.89m 1.61m 4.70m
Week 1 252,510 729,598 644,865 1,626,973
Week 2 152,840 104,054 344,616 601,510
Week 3 121,330 51,139 232,561 405,030
Week 4 216,456 n/a 141,942 358,398
Week 5 135,580 n/a 89,174 224,754
Week 6 110,944 n/a 56,566 167,510
Week 7 92,064 n/a 26,369 118,433
Week 8 101,466 n/a 66,579 168,045
Week 9 96,917 n/a n/a 96,917
Week 10 70,594 n/a n/a 70,5

why? Wiifit in japan is/was huge, great sales for one country.

But the dropoff in the Americas region is gigantic in week 3 it sold about half it when comparing it too japan.

Others seems fine at first sigh, but an area with multiple times the population is already tracking under Japan considering weekly sales.



you win the contest in "most stupid thread ever" category


Did you look at the number in Japan ? They started high and then decreased due to shortage

it's exactly the same in Europe (also, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find it in france)

and it will be the same in America for sure




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It's going to be a "fad" all the way up till Christmas... Christmas '09 the way it's going at the moment.

Supply is the problem. Because Nintendo is too conservative, spend 30 million on marketing and not have enough supply. This is getting boring now.