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Forums - Sales Discussion - wiifit : chance it is a fad grows bigger

DOATS1 said:
....4.70 million a fad?

There are gamers and analysts who still think the Wii at 27 million is a fad so I guess Wii fit at 4.7 million is definitely a fad.



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Is this some kind of joke?

In Japan, it may very well be the best legged console game ever. Even Wii Sports and the Mario Karts fall short.

In Others, it is currently looking like it will sell better than the game of the generation on either console. It is even beating the 360 one in AR for the 8th week! That's amazing.

In America, it has supply issues. That's fairly obvious.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

stranne said:
How many seperate controllers for the X360 and PS3 has been sold? I can't find a way to downplay Wii Fit sales no matter how hard I try.

It's not exactly downlplaying the sales - It's just realizing that X360 or PS3 controllers aren't required to be manufactured at a rate of 150 to 200K per week

kirby007 said:

Sales History

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 2.20m 0.89m 1.61m 4.70m
Week 1 252,510 729,598 644,865 1,626,973
Week 2 152,840 104,054 344,616 601,510
Week 3 121,330 51,139 232,561 405,030
Week 4 216,456 n/a 141,942 358,398
Week 5 135,580 n/a 89,174 224,754
Week 6 110,944 n/a 56,566 167,510
Week 7 92,064 n/a 26,369 118,433
Week 8 101,466 n/a 66,579 168,045
Week 9 96,917 n/a n/a 96,917
Week 10 70,594 n/a n/a 70,594


why? Wiifit in japan is/was huge, great sales for one country.

But the dropoff in the Americas region is gigantic in week 3 it sold about half it when comparing it too japan.

Others seems fine at first sigh, but an area with multiple times the population is already tracking under Japan considering weekly sales.



The drop-off in sales isn't due to it being a "fad" but has more to do with supply issues. If you actually take some time to analyze the situation you would probably realize that Nintendo can only make so many and allocate a certain amount to each region.

My guess is that they stockpiled the software leading up to the launch of the game/peripheral and once they were depleted smaller shipments have been made in order to meet demand. =P

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

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dbot said:
Is this fun from a gaming perspective? It doesn't seem like it is enough of a workout from a fitness perspective. I would consider buying it when supplies increase in the US. Is it a game or is it supposed to replace your daily workout?

I find the balance board games fun.

While the workouts on everything but the balance board games seem an improvement over  the "I do 50 pushups a day" type of exercising. 

So i think it does both fairly well.

A couple games end up being both fun and a workout.

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No point in this thread i made one and got the answer you are getting now.

SUPPLY, meh a lot of coblers. If Nintendo are not a good enough company to create enough balance boards or plastic wheels for MK then bah, they deserve to not sell that many Wii fits

Brainslug said:
stranne said:
How many seperate controllers for the X360 and PS3 has been sold? I can't find a way to downplay Wii Fit sales no matter how hard I try.


It's not exactly downlplaying the sales - It's just realizing that X360 or PS3 controllers aren't required to be manufactured at a rate of 150 to 200K per week

Those two statements weren't connected. The second one was aimed at kirby's attempt at finding "fad signals" when there are none to be found.

And I'm personally very interested in seeing the third party games that will be created for the balance board market.

Faxanadu said:
lazyrider said:
Very hard to find (Belgium/Luxembourg). I have to get one for my sister by the end of the week and it's not looking good.

From what I read here, it looks like supply is low pretty much everywhere (except Japan). So until Nintendo get there act together with supply, we won't really know if it's a fad now will we?

My guess is that it can sell a lot more and for a long time (ie I don't think it's a fad...).

Drive over the border to Germany, go to the next MediaMarkt/ Saturn and pick it up.

You are welcome.


For some reason Nintendo seems to give Germany much better supplies than other European countries. At least almost always has stock for Mario Kart, Wii Fit and the Wii itself, while for instance and especially is out of stock. Also when almost the whole of Europe had Wii stock problems I seem to hear from people from Germany that they could just walk into a store and pick one up. 


it very well might b a fad, but there will still be games made for it, and nintendo laughed all the way to the bank over it so it inspired me to make this


mesoteto, you have just won the Internet.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957