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Forums - Website Topics - A Ban on members with

solojohlo said:
... Creating threads with less than 100 posts? Looking at the front page, I saw 4 threads by someone called "caesar 92" that not only asked troll questions, but weren't even written in good english. I also saw 2 threads by someone called "reggie 2". The linking factor? Their combined post count was 10. I'm not sure exactly how it would work, but I think that a ban should be placed on the creation of threads until a threshold of posts has been reached, to ensure that brand new members don't damage the site with a bunch of crap. Do you agree? (I appreciate that I have a relatively low post count, but I have been a member of the site for over a year, it's just I rarely post)

So you being on this site for over a year justifies your low post count? Please. Spare me. Banning new members based on their post counts will do this site no good. I remember starting a thread with only around 10 or so post counts and I see no harm it that. It is impossible to go through every single thread to make sure that yours hasn't already been made. So, I suggest that you cut it with your child-like antics and just let the new members blend into the community in ways that they see fit (as long as they agree to the terms of the site).

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