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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which has a better game line up for 2008 xbox360 or ps3

Apart from MGS4 Sony will struggle. 360 I give 9/10, PS3 7/10.

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Valve are the best FPS developers in the world. Better then Infinity Ward by a long way. Left 4 Dead will be amazing. I mean you just can't get a better pedigree then they have.

Half-life 1/2 (needs no intruduction)
Team Fortress 1 (brought class based gameplay to the forefront) and 2 (added a firm dose of humor to the genre)
Countrike/source (if you added up all the time people spent playing shooting games for the last decade these two games would be on top easily)
Portal (extremely innovative puzzler fps).

Left 4 dead will be amazing. Mark my words.

For me, Xbox has a more attractive lineup. Specifically, Fable 2 and Banjo Kazooie K&B

disolitude said:
I Perdict said:



For B. Left 4 Dead and Gears...Valve and Epic versus Insomniac and...umm... In any case, based on their previous shooter history Id rate these games in following order


1. Left 4 Dead, 2. Gears 2, 3. Resistance 2........ 34. Socom




Anyway, that would be my order if L4D was a solid single player experience. But unfortunately, as far as I'm aware of it isn't. So No 1 is Gears.

And what is it with R2. The first videos are out. I just watched the Chicago gameplay video. ...and?...what? Is this an anticipated shooter? (i'm not reffering to the multiplayer part). This seems like just another generic FPS (like the first Resistance was) . Can please anyone tell me, what was the mindblowing with this video? Please!

Nothing to say about SOCOM. It was the only ...decent  shooter along with the really bad Killzone 1 for PS2. Just like Resistance 1 for PS3. People were FORCED to play and like these games because nothing else existed! Call of Duty 2.... Best WW2 shooter ever... 360 launch title... 360 audience has much more elegant taste in shooters (oh! Half Life 2 on XBOX, Best FPS ever made)

The Playstation 3 does.. why ?

one simple thing

Tekken 6. Can't argue against the greatest fighter ever !

Check out my game about moles ^

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LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Squilliam said:
A. Depends if you have a gaming PC.

If not.

B. Do you like shooters? 360 probably wins...

C. Do you like RPGs? 360 probably wins.

D. Do you love MGS4?- PS3 wins.


For the last time be objective because this is all subjective. 

Here's the revision:

A. Depends, are you a PC fanboy

B. Do you like shooters? Well it depends, are you a 360 or a PS3 fanboy?

C. Do you like RPGs? What kind of fanboy are you?

D. Do you love MGS4?- PS3 wins. can't say much about that


 It depends on what gaming platforms you own.

If you own a gaming pc - then quite probably the PS3 has the better shooter lineup. Left 4 dead is, and Gears 2 probably will be having a PC version.

RPG definately for the 360 though.

MGS4 people are fanatical it seems, so if you love that game then you'd feel that the PS3 has the best 2008 lineup.

If you own a gaming PC this is what goes down IMO.

FPS PC >PS3>360

RPG 360 > PS3 > PC

Strategy PC > 360 > PS3

If you only own one platform then. (360 or PS3)

Shooter 360 >PS3

RPG 360 > PS3

MGS 4 is worth >>>> if you love the series on its own. Chances are you'd own a PS3 or be thinking hard about buying one right now.



I think that the 360 just has more good games coming out this year plain and simple

Im my opinion 360 does

Most of these posts are totally subjective. It really depends on what genre and how much you are looking forward to a game. Motortorm, resistance and poss some downloadably content push the ps3 in my favour but gow2 looks great for xbox 360 owners.

LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Legend11 said:

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

And there are other exclusives coming like Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, Zoids Assault, and others that I didn't bother adding to the list since they're relatively niche. Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Do you think enough people will remember the thing is even coming out for it to make a difference?

Given the advertising dollars Microsoft will put behind it?  Yes.

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