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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft wants to be first on the market with their next console

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

Yeah, as I've said before, consoles do not have equivalent life cycles, and are not part of equivalent business plans from their respective companies, even if we talk of certain groups of consoles being in the same "generation" as one another.  PS3 launched 1 year after 360 and will be selling for 6 years or more after 360 is gone (including after the release of PS4).  The next Xbox will definitely be more powerful than PS3 obviously, and the PS4 will definitely be more powerful than that.  We're headed for staggered HD releases next "gen."

I think we could see staggered releases next gen.  But I don't know that it would be a good thing.  Keeping the consoles together is good because, a.  you know what your getting.  If you spend 250-500 you know you are getting a console that will get great games for 5 years.  Also, b. having competitors builds up the market.  What I mean by this is, let's say for example that Sony and Nintendo really meant it when they said they would leave their consoles for 10 years.  Microsoft comes out with the nextbox after 5.  Their commercials will always compare the nextbox to the PS3, Wii, and even the 360.  As such, it is basically a current gen console that released five years late.  It's in peoples nature to compare.

I also think that if Nintendo and Sony wait two years after the launch of the next xbox, going first will be a bad thing.  In two years there is significant hardware advances.  There will be no doubt that the nextbox will be the least powerful.  Additionally, the nextbox will not get any exclusives.  The PS3 can do HD.  So, if you are going to develop for the nextbox at a user base of <5Million, you certainly will port that game to the PS3 will a userbase of 40Million.  So I think the two positives of being first out are taken away.  Those are 1. confusion that you console is the most powerful.  I mean the whole 360/PS3 arguments go on all the time.  Same as the PS2 being more powerful than the gamecube arguments.  And 2. A better selection of games that the new comers.

I also think if this is Microsofts master plan, they should just fold up the games division.  This will garuantee that the 360 isn't profitable over the generation.  That is two generations of losses. 



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Yep, continue to tell the company with the most successful business model how to conduct their business. They are one of the only multi-million dollar debt free companies for a reason. I love how everyone on this board is an economics major.

The system wouldn't make sense if it came out soon. Developers would have three markets to devleop for. Xboxnext, 360/PS3 and Wii. It would stretch them way too thin. This has to be just speculation on microsoft's part

The 360 has been on the market a year longer so it would make sense that it comes out a year ahead of the competition. I do however think microsoft will support the 360 for a year or two after the release of the newer xbox. And lets be realistic, its most likely all of the console makers are at least drawing up some plans for their next gen consoles.

M$ will turn the 360 into a HD-Wii-clone before they destroy their installed base again.  Cheap, 45nm 360s in a cute little box, shipped with a regular controller, and a Wiimote-style one.  Drop the price... taking some of Nintendo's marketshare before Nintendo themselves can secure it into the "next-gen".

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JaggedSac said:
Yep, continue to tell the company with the most successful business model how to conduct their business. They are one of the only multi-million dollar debt free companies for a reason. I love how everyone on this board is an economics major.

LOL.  Yes, because Windows is a rediculous cash cow, everything Microsoft touches must be gold.  Numbers don't lie.  The xbox division has cost Microsoft billions.  As a total company are they making money, of course.  But as a shareholder you can't be happy with the results of this division.



How many times do I have to say it? Just because they've begun R&D on their next system, does NOT mean they're coming out any time soon. I'd heard rumours of a PS3 RIGHT after PS2 came out. It takes TIME to figure out what you're going to do with these machines, as well as figure out the specifics, reduce costs, get factories ready, and begin preliminary parts manufacturing.

They'd still be selling the original Xbox if NVidia hadn't screwed them over.

Hell, from this article, he doesn't even SAY that they've begun R&D yet! For crying out loud, all he says is that when the time comes, they'd like to be the first out of the gate again.

I really don't see why you guys are reading so much into this.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Priceless - considering they said they wanted the 360 to have a much longer life cycle than the XBOX did. Now they are talking about killing it off.

They will crank the specs up even more, copy Wii features (new controller) - and the next console may yet flunk completely.

Be interesting to see what Sony does - if anything - to "compete".

At this rate, the 360-next & PS3 will finish in the market at around the same time.

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DOATS1 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
it has paid off with the 360, so doing it again is a smart move.

But i think the next Wii will be the first next time.


i hugely disagree.

mainly because the 360 is currently the worst selling console of this gen....since december 2007 of course. it has dropped from first to third in both japan and europe, with a years head start, and has dropped from first to second in america. its early release has also resulted in the console suffering from hardware problems, due to lack of proper testing to help rush it out.

all this has happened with the console that was released a year early and has the highest rated games, and the best online service of this gen.

paid off? nah.


The hardware issue was aweful but the 360 survived. In my opinion it is a minor issue.

The headstart has enabled Microsoft to build up a huge library and that is the only thing i really care about.

Late 2010 or Early 2011 Microsoft will (easily) be able to produce a console that can (noticeably) surpass the graphics of Crisys at its highest detal while maintaining a resolution of 1080p @ 60fps, and sell this system for $300 to $400 with minimal losses; on top of this they will be able to include a Blu-Ray drive and an advanced version of the Wiimote with little added cost.

If their timing is correct, they beat their competition to market by 18 or more months, and they work hard at building momentium before their competition comes onto the market, Microsoft could see a major breakthrough in North America and Europe (and they could finally see a decent foothold in Japan [1 to 2 million units]).