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Forums - Sales Discussion - ZOMG!!! PS3 PASSES 360 IN EUROPE ZOMG!!!!1111ONE!

It has had impressive sales, especially considering how sony hate Europe

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Thats really great for ps3 maybe sony consider that they must also think about the people in europe to not just japan and us.


Slimebeast said:
Congrats PS3.
I'm loving this mini-domination of Sony this generation.
Last gen Europe/others:
Console XBox Wii PS2
Total Others


This gen Europe/others:
Console X360 Wii PS3
Total Others


Haven't we all agreed that Wii is last-gen?

Auron said:
Slimebeast said:
Congrats PS3.
I'm loving this mini-domination of Sony this generation.
Last gen Europe/others:
Console XBox GC PS2
Total Others


This gen Europe/others:
Console X360 Wii PS3
Total Others


From your graph the only thing clear is that Sony went from 1st to second while MS went from second to dead last. Failure for MS confirmed.


lool,,,don't make slimebeast cry



PS3 has been one the market for other market around only one year and it's the most expensive console right now,,,so with taking all those into account you can easily see why it's impressive.





hooray for ps3!! first japan, then europe, next will be total others. M$ had better watch their backs in NA. after total others, NA will fall next. (most likely not but hey, its not illegal to dream)

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next year it gets tripled

Good for sony, now go and dominate wii. :) Maybe some day...

Garcian Smith said:

In other news: Even with no big games out for the Wii this week, and with arguably the PS3's biggest game of the year out, AND in the PS3's strongest region, the Wii still beat the PS3 in sales.


-wipes sweat from his head- Whew! Thank god man, I'm not sure what I'd do without my Wii news in a topic about the PS3 and 360 in Europe :) Thankfully we have you here to keep us well informed ^_^

On topic, nice for the PS3 :P Europe really does eat that stuff up :3 Great news for PS3 in Europe, awesome news for PSP in Japan, I wonder what they have planned for America :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.