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Forums - General Discussion - Fuel £1.99 a litre ($18 a gallon) as tanks dry

IN Honduras the Government is absorbing part of the Gas cost, So I Pay about 3.50 per gallon.
But they increase the electricity price, since the 70% of the electricity here is generated by Bunker, so from 65 $ a month, now I am paying 130$...
And the prices in everything are going up, from food to services... since everybody is using electricity.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

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Mistershine said:
If it was my garage it would have the decimal point removed.

That is so true. Here in Canada, gas prices are still listed in 1/10 of a ¢. The lowest price in Quebec city is 1,47.4$ and the average price is 1,47.9$ per liter. Who are they kidding? Nobody is shopping around for that 1/2 of a penny difference per liter, so why bother anymore?

When it was at 33¢ a liter, it was more important, but not now.


elgefe02 said:
IN Honduras the Government is absorbing part of the Gas cost, So I Pay about 3.50 per gallon.
But they increase the electricity price, since the 70% of the electricity here is generated by Bunker, so from 65 $ a month, now I am paying 130$...
And the prices in everything are going up, from food to services... since everybody is using electricity.

They're doing the exact opposite here. 2/3 of the cost of petrol is tax in the UK! Remove some of the tax and it would actually be affordable.

ferret1603 said:
How's the situation down in Penzance?


Morrisons have no diesel and 1 pump with petrol and Tesco have all pumps running at the moment.

Weird, that's better than up here! Do Penzance's supplies come in to Falmouth or something? I guess you have less competition for it down there though. We took my nephew to the beach yesterday and had to stop at five stations before we could find one with petrol.

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Morrison's and Tesco are the only petrol stations in PZ. There are a couple of Jet stations a few miles away but not within 10 mins of the town(and 10 mins is a long time in Cornwall).

its 1.19 here

Here in Birmingham it's about £1.20.

Just yesterday gas went up 6 cents in Canada where I'm from, now $1.39

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It's just 1 US cent per liter in Venezuela, it' not a typo, it realy is 1 US cent per liter here...