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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Possible first info on Forza 3

rocketpig said:
If Turn 10 is able to deliver this game in 2009 and if Polyphony doesn't offer a damage component in GT5, Sony just lost a sale.

Graphics aren't nearly as important to me as physics, controller, online experience, and options (damage, tires, etc.) because nowadays, most of my time will be spent online against live opponents, where damage is a must.


I agree 100% with controller, and that's why I hate racing games on the 360. The games are great, the controllers suck. I have a $500 racing setup that I can use on the PS3 and the PC, it's USB, yet does not work on the 360. 

I am stuck with some pos MS wheel, or a crappy knockoff.

I will race on the PC until GT5 comes out.

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Skeeuk said:
should be a very good game if its on 2 disks, but i feel its more because of the grafix that it will be 2 disks. 1 for arcade and 1 for career.

they should be able to up the textures on the cars this time.

my vote will go with gt5 in game and sales, but never the less forza is a worthy driving game and il possibly pick that up also later on in the year.

I suspect its more likely one disk would be used for things like multiplayer options, and the other for single player options.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Sounds like a nice upgrade to the Forza series. Regarding tuning options, from my understanding Forza does not let you buy car parts, but lets you modify certain objects to give the car a point system for performance. This is what the GT5p demo uses, it still lets you adjust all the tuning crap, but no car parts. How do you guys feel about this if its the case, with the next Forza. I know if the Full GT5 has this crap that GT5p has i will not be buying the game.

One last thing, does anyone know the size of the team that makes the Forza game. An average or low/high amount during development?

gt5p isnt banger racing lol.

as far as im concered and almost definatly will be majority opinion is that, gt5 is more realistic to drive than forza is. if you watch the gamespot uk video cast, in which they was talking about gt5p even though they were xbox fanboys playing gt5p down. they was moaning about it being to realistic for many players.

when i used to own the forza double pack, i tried myself on suzuka with a viper with the same view, in both forza and gt5p.

the result was that both were good, but on gt5p it looks and played more realistic, the on the go tuning options that are availiable in gt5p are superb toe in/out etc, the car sounded more real and felt stunning to drive.

not to mention the replays which are, and never will be matched.

im in now way trying to play forza down because it is a good game, but imo and the majority opinion when gt5 full game is released, is that gt5 will possibly be the greatest driving game made.

ps. damage update to gt5p and a plethora of other updates especially a community online features has been confirmed to be released for free this year, so obviously gt5 will also include these out o the box, polophony digital said they will only include damage if its realistic, and im sure gt5p damage will be as real as it gets. the damage in forza isnt realistic damage, try ramming your car into a wall at 150 miles and hour and you will notice the front bumber will hang off along with scratches. that to me isnt realistic.

but unlike certain fanboys, just because a game like forza has faults in it it doesnt auto make it a bad game, its been popular and i belive it will sell 5million copies+ the sequel when it comes out will be better than forza 2

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

endimion said:
and i'm telling you for a fact that forza has(had never played GT5 once again) a more realistic feeling to it..... of course I never raced in professional race condition...

you know it's not hard to get into amateur racing.... it's costly maybe even though I know broke ass people investing everything in it.... but more accessible than you think...

but still just visualy if you are into racing.... you can feel if a game does it or not... just by knowing the shape of the track (that's why a racing game fan prefers real tracks, on monaco i don't need 30 laps to get used to every aspect of the track I know every curb by heart just watching F1 since as far as I can recall)

what's missing in Forza IMO is a real professional career feeling... with a team and people talking to you while you race.... like in grid... but on the driving and mechanical aspect it's obvious if I change the PSI in my tires, tune the differential and stuff I really feel it like if I was doing it on a regular car...

people shouldn't think because a few people does a sport it's not accessible... for example I'm about to pass my skydiving license.... I doubt a lot of people here ever jumped from a plane doesn't mean they can't do it if they really want...

Agreed. That is the next logical step for sim racing games. Put a little personality in them.

Or check out my new webcomic:

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TheRealMafoo said:
rocketpig said:
If Turn 10 is able to deliver this game in 2009 and if Polyphony doesn't offer a damage component in GT5, Sony just lost a sale.

Graphics aren't nearly as important to me as physics, controller, online experience, and options (damage, tires, etc.) because nowadays, most of my time will be spent online against live opponents, where damage is a must.


I agree 100% with controller, and that's why I hate racing games on the 360. The games are great, the controllers suck. I have a $500 racing setup that I can use on the PS3 and the PC, it's USB, yet does not work on the 360.

I am stuck with some pos MS wheel, or a crappy knockoff.

I will race on the PC until GT5 comes out.

I'm fine with the controller. I actually prefer the 360 controller over the SixAxis.

I'm far too lazy and already have far too many peripherals to consider doing a wheel setup. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:

Agreed. That is the next logical step for sim racing games. Put a little personality in them.

The career mode did feel somewhat dry outside the races. I hope they implement a day/night system and weather.


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).