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Forums - Sales Discussion - MGS4 second fastest selling PS3 game

obieslut said:
i think this game will outsell gtaiv, quote me on this


Well, if you insist...

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But...its a niche game!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I dont think it will outsell GTA 4, but I hope it does outsell GTA 4, its easily a better/longer game.



it outsold gt5p

leo-j said:
I dont think it will outsell GTA 4, but I hope it does outsell GTA 4, its easily a better/longer game.

I'm curious as to how it can be longer when GTAIV is a sandbox game, part of a genre noted for longevity and replayability.

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its possible that it outsold motorstorm there