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Forums - General Discussion - I'm so pissed off

I usually buy one pair "walking shoes" with great "cushoning" and if it wears out in less than one year I bring it back to the store and demand a new pair. Worked for me so far. Last time I did it, the shoes were on sale so I got two pairs back!

Edit: And don't you dare call me a cheapskate!

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad
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those are some good links but have you ever gone to, you can customize your shoes there. i mostly only wear nike dunk lows and j's. i don't think your a woman just cuz you like shoes, hell, i love shoes. i got about 10+ and i understand when you get mad cusz they got scuffed but i really don't like those shoes you got.


currently playing:

yo those are some ugly ass shoes dude you wasted 125$ on crap

ROFL. damn.

I'm telling you the ones I got are PIMP. I get compliments all the time on them. Well I wont anymore since I SCUFFED THEM.

Air Stabs, Im telling you are. SICK WIT IT

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I don't think that paying more than $100 for a pair of shoes makes you a chick. I do, however, think that buying TEN OTHER PAIRS AT THE SAME PRICE does make you one.

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