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Forums - General Discussion - I'm so pissed off

At least you can still wear your shoes. I was rocking a pair of dunk-lo's I bought in Hong Kong ($650HKD = about $100AUD) for 3 years before the leather tore and now they just sit in the closet, too cool to throw out but unable to be repaired (unless i want stitching across the shoe). Interestingly enough, I remember people calling my shoe retro and outdated, even though back then everyone was wearing superstars (you'd think they'd know they are also retro-styled... dumbasses), now EVERYONE and their grandmother wears dunks-lo's and highs, af1's, etc..

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They are like these but purple nike sign and 3 tones of grey in the suede area and gucci inner shoe part.

Not trying to sound like a bitch but... 

I think im gonna lose sleep over this.  

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Those are nice shoes. How long do they last (well, normally...) before you throw them out and buy new ones?

Shoes usually last me 2-3 years because I got like 11 pairs

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Slimebeast said:
Rath, we're not talking diluted Australia-dollars here lol.

 Oh you bastard.

Talk about getting personal with the insults.

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I stopped wearing these kind of shoes some time ago, right now it's Echo for me...unfortunately they cost a bit more than yours weezy :)......3 times more (please don't call me Richie Rich boy..)

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

--OkeyDokey-- said:

My Adidas' were $120 and they're really nothing too spesh, but to be fair $120 AU probably wouldn't be enough to buy two yoghurt tubs to wear on my feet in America :P

If you're that pissed about it, go punch a hole in the dry wall. That always makes me feel better.
And it's manly :)

 You do know that the Australian dollar is trading for 94 US cents, thereby turning that $120 AU into $113 US

The most I've ever paid for a pair of shoes is $20. The least I've ever paid is $3. Most of my shoes are gifts. You're all chumps.

^ your mom bought them?:P

well just buy some new ones and just don't wear them, no way you can f*ck them up

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One friend bought me some really nice shoes as payment for DJing a party at her house. One friend let me borrow some shoes to wear in a scene in a short film he was making, and then he let me keep them because they fit me so damn good. And my wife just bought me 4 pairs of shoes in March.