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Forums - Website Topics - Why did you join VGChartz? And how did you found out about it?

I think I just stumbled across it. I've been aware of this site for over a year, and initially, I only came to check sales. I signed up once I discovered the forums, but I lurked around for a couple of months before I began to contribute.

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i googled video game sales and it was on page 2 or 3

i joined after i lurked for a long time because one topic finally got me to say something.... tho i like lurking alot better i think people just like to hate on each other alot so i try to stay out of it. O right and i found the site using google

I found this site through Google. I joined for the sales numbers, and later discovered the forum.

roadkillers said:
Lol I joined before this site had any numbers. What 2 years ago maybe more give or take. It didnt have hardware at the time it had a couple of BIG titles that sold a lot (I think it had FF at the time) so I joined. I think I was one of (if not) the first members on this site. Man this site has changed.

 If I remember correctly, your profile is the 12th created. (although I think 2 of the ones before it may be iois)


I found the site around the Wii launch time, and visited occasionally, swapping between it and nexjokewars, then when this site started to build itself a bit more, with American weekly instead of monthly, and European hardware I joined (April 26th 2007)

I hardly made any posts for about 2 months though, I think I had about 5-10 posts from April till the end of June.

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I joined VGC to slowly irritate ioi, only to get perma banned and then be unbanned due to a glitch so I could pretend like none of it ever happened.

Wii Fit made me join.

I joined because I needed a smaller forum that actually contained game related stuff.  Gamefaqs ps3 forum was 50% topics on why the ps3 and sony suck, and the other 50% where what kind of hdtv should i buy kinda questions.


I found the site because I was curious as to what the "worst site ever created" looked like.  The "worst site ever created" was the general feeling of people on that board. pointed me here.

I was going on until I found out it was on a timer. Then I googled video game sales and it brought me here.