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Forums - Sales Discussion - what game will break record 1 day, 1 week?

Halo 3 is EXCLUSIVE, that's why I wonder what EXCLUSIVE game will beat its record, and MGS4 failed to do it! :D

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Who told you that MGS4 will sell 4 million copies in one weeK??

tombi123 said:
Does Halo 3 have a record? Didn't it loose it to GTA4?

 Halo 3 is EXCLUSIVE, that's why I wonder what EXCLUSIVE game will beat its record, and MGS4 failed to do it! :D

*bleu-ocelot* said:
daactualfact said:
gt5 or ff13 will not be big enough to out launch their 1st weeks. (though I have a feeling it will be a Wii or Ps3 game in the future. I feel that Micro are going to throw their next console in the ring early to try and mess with the Immense Wii sales and large Ps3 sales.)


What are you talking about.MGS4 says hi.

 Who told you that MGS4 will sell 4 million copies in one weeK??

Halo 3 still has the largest debut week on a single console.... GTAIV 360 didn't beat it (or strictly speaking, won't beat it... as it isn't released in Japan yet but it won't make much difference)

@Iperdict.. You are an ass, I have seen what you do to the prediction league, messing with the averages page by putting Games like Haze at 2 million sales and everything else at 5 sales.

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The next major Pokemon game, on a successor to the DS.

VGChartz says:

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Week 1: 3,559,092
Halo 3 Week 1: 3,815,444

So it wouldn't take that much of an improvemnt over D/P (and there was plenty that could be better) to get 4mil week 1.

Big openers through time:

Name of best 1st weeker- WW sold - top in its area

Dragon Quest VII-  2.2M WW. 2.2M Japan

Final Fantasy 7* - Unkown WW - 2.0M Japan.

Halo 3 - 3.8M - 2.8M America

Pokemon Gold/Silver** - unkown WW - 1.5M Japan

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - 3.6M WW - 1.6M Japan

Starcraft*** - unkown WW - unkown Others.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl**** - 2.5M WW - 1.6M America

Grand Theft Auto 360 - 3.3M WW - 2.3M America

Grand Theft Auto Ps3 - 2,4M - 1.2M America

Grand Theft Auto Combined - 5.7M - 3.5M America

* Final Fantasy 7 may very well be a bigger opener than Halo 3. It sold 2M first week, and ended with 4 in Japan. It has sold 5M in Others and America, so it could be the biggest opener ever.

** Pokemon Gold/Silver opened with 1.5M in Japan. It sold more overall in America, and about equal in Europe. This should be bigger than FF7, and could beat Halo 3. It had 600K preorders in America ( and at this time preorders weren't very big.

*** Put it up as at least number 2 should have enourmous sales. 42% of its sales are in Korea, and Korea sales are 4M, so about 10M total sales. First week - unkown.

****Lacks European sales.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl**** - 2.5M WW - 1.6M America

****Lacks European sales.


On that basis that Europe is about equal to America, SSBB could beat Halo 3 after it launches in Europe on June 27th.

why not FFiiix

combined gta iv, 3,6 million day 1, more than 6 million week one