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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 announcements have been leaked (Nintendo and Microsoft mostly)

apart from forza 3 everything else sounds like crap, i am disappointed in microsoft if this is all they have for E3, let hope they have more things to offer

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nothing new and good to me.....

This info is not leaked. It seems to be fabricated. The Tony Hawk game using the balance board does not make sense. How are gamers going to pull off the tricks in the game? There only so many motions that the balance board can simulate, Forward, Backward, Left, Right, and to Stand on tiptoe (to Jump). A controller has to be used in addition to the balance board to accomplish the more difficult stunts. Thus the balance board will be a gimmick and the controllers will be used. Therefore, I doubt that Activision would do this with one of their franchises. The Spiderman game is also false. The idea lacks sense. As does all of this supposedly leaked information.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


I laughed at the balance board usage. Real or not, it appears the the leaked are all 3rd party.

Not even snake could penerate the secret base of Nintendo's future games.

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Hey! There are three now! :D

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Heh, nice joke thread. Some people should click those links.

Spiderman's gotta be fake. $55? And jumping and stomping on the board to break it?

If true...

Its basically all Activision stuff. Most interesting, is the new "controller" for the Tony Hawks games (i.e. probably quite similar to the WiiFit board).

Although that Spiderman / WiiFit / Jumping thing makes no sense - this may yet be all fake, or just designed to get us talking until the REAL information comes out.

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new games awesome :) could care less if their copying other games, as long as its a good game is all that matters to me

BTW the references about many of these games have dissapered from the original site:

Probably most of them are fakes, I can't imagine an Activion game with a balance board for 60 bucks