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Forums - Sales Discussion - Only 70,000 MGS4 bundles?

Hang on! Are we talking about the gunmetal grey one? Because that is limited, but the normal bundle is not

In Japan, there were an unknown number of gunmetal grey ones (that sunny has in MGS 4!) sold only from Konami's store, and then 100k of the coloured bundles

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All I know is MGS is a Niche title, It won't sell any Hardware, Right. I men if GTA didn't push any Hardware how could MGS? LOL. I'm sure some people are feeling a little silly about now. Also yes the LE is the gun Metal grey one, but the normal PS3 bundle is not Limited edition it's the new 80gb SKU, So they will be restocked and be fine.

All I know is MGS is a Niche title, It won't sell any Hardware, Right. I men if GTA didn't push any Hardware how could MGS? LOL. I'm sure some people are feeling a little silly about now.

I'm unable to determine whether or not this is sarcastic.

leo-j said:
The bundle isnt limited.

I called gamestop 2 days ago right after the release of MGS4, I was on gametrailers some guy wanted to know if it was limited, and yes I have no life.

So I called and asked if they were getting anymore, he said next week they are getting another shipment.

The store i went to got 5 or 6 and they said sony had planned to ship them only that many and no more.

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Yes I was being Sarcastic. Of course at some level MGS 4 was going to sell systems. People didn't think so soley based on the fact that GTA $ (amultiplat title) didn't move consoles. Theres a big difference betwee Multi play titles and Exclusives when it comes to selling Hardware. Plus many ignored the impact of the 80 gig relaunch. now i know some fanbots of the other consoles will say the boost won't last and they are somewhat right, but having this game in its library will help the overall apeal of the system down the road and inadvertantly help boost longterm sales. With every AAA title the PS3 adds the stronger the system will be. The fact that this game is just incredibly Epic certianly won't hurt either.

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70k for each territory?

66 is that a fact or a random guess

im not sure if they will put out another shipment.  all i know is that i heard this bundle was coming and thats what i was waiting for.  the two gamestops i go to got 2 and 4 each thats pathetic.  the walmart where i got mine had 8.  at wall mart 3 including mine were sold at 12:01.  it was an amazing deal since we got the $100 gift card too.  they could have sold sooooo many more systems if there was more available i think. 

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