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Forums - Sales Discussion - Only 70,000 MGS4 bundles?

Yeah, the BestBuy in my area got 26 in, so 30 was the norm for most BB stores.

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I think sony should re introduce the 80gb ps3 for the holidays, by then they should be making atleast some profit of the 40gb ps3..

Bringing back the 80gb for $449.99 could really help sales.


mM said there was 75,000 80GB bundles. Question: Did the ps3 sell 180% more consoles on day 1? Because if that stat was only ONE day the ps3 could have a very impressive hardware week.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

I think Europe got significantly less.

Amazon have had two shipments in the past week, perhaps 70,000 was the first?

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

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The bundle isnt limited.

I called gamestop 2 days ago right after the release of MGS4, I was on gametrailers some guy wanted to know if it was limited, and yes I have no life.

So I called and asked if they were getting anymore, he said next week they are getting another shipment.


leo-j said:
The bundle isnt limited.

I called gamestop 2 days ago right after the release of MGS4, I was on gametrailers some guy wanted to know if it was limited, and yes I have no life.

So I called and asked if they were getting anymore, he said next week they are getting another shipment.

I hope you're right, leo-j. If the ps3 doubled its ww sales from previous week on day 1 (according to bottom of vgchartz article I believe) then that would put worldwide day 1 sales at around 288, could possibly manage 400,000 units of hardware for the entire week (although MGS4 was released later in the week which hurts). Impressive.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

It had to be day one, since the article was posted on saturday, the day wasn't over. Still some more sales to be had.

birchy8624 said:
They could have sold soooo much more arggg

 PS3 might even when Worldwide.  That'd be a nice change.

leo-j said:
Yep its North america, japan had around 50-60k ps3 bundles and according to vgchartz they sold out. How do I know 50-60k? Famitsu= 295k first day sales, first day sales in japan including bundles are over 350k.

Therefore thats so far how many ps3's have been sold this week, I expect 70k and it should outsell the wii in japan this week.

 Japan with LE bundle got over 100k MGS4 bundles.