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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is The Xbox 360 Sales Right Or Wrong?

No. But I think the PS3 is severely undertracked in Uzbekistan. My pal Diomedes is on it though and investigating currently.

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disrupt3r said:
starcraft said:
And we still haven't heard a single instance of a manufactured post-October system breaking down. Given how much of a hard-on the internet has for any and all cases of Rrod, thats something.

well i can confirm that there is atleast one. i bought a xbox 360 console about 6 weeks ago and it lasted a total of 15 minutes while playing halo 3 before it froze, turned off then had the 3 red rings when turned back on.

Nice first post bossman. 15 minutes, huh? You could have tried harder.

Just for the fact, it wouldn't be 12M.

33% of the original would be bought again.

The real number would then be 15M.

15*0.33 = 5

15+5=20 which is roughly the number of 360s. Therefore, it would be around 15M, not 12.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The number VG has is correct when you factor in Software sales unless everyone believes games sell much much better on 360 than PS3 and even GTA4 had a greater attach rate on 360 than PS3

What the hell's a PIGGLE, Starcraft, please clafiry lol!!!

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Diomedes1976 said:
Microsoft is including the replacements in its shipped data.But ,the 33% number has decreased to a 16-17% more or less.




Diomedes1976 said:
This thread is interesting,because the difference between NPD and Vgchartz for cumulated sales in NA is sensible.Ioi has told sometimes that he takes a look at shipped figures to make his numbers.And Microsoft includes in its shipments the replacement consoles.This could explain the difference.

 Extra fail.


MS reports sold to retail.   Just like Sony and Nintendo do.  

The rEVOLution is not being televised

So, given this rationale, the 360's attach ratio is the most amazing fucking thing on the planet.

Viper1 said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Microsoft is including the replacements in its shipped data.But ,the 33% number has decreased to a 16-17% more or less.




Diomedes1976 said:
This thread is interesting,because the difference between NPD and Vgchartz for cumulated sales in NA is sensible.Ioi has told sometimes that he takes a look at shipped figures to make his numbers.And Microsoft includes in its shipments the replacement consoles.This could explain the difference.

Extra fail.


MS reports sold to retail. Just like Sony and Nintendo do.

 Can I add an "Ultra fail" to that too Viper?... Just because Dio should really know this by now given all the time he spent attempting to prove various editions of Sony's shipped figures were sold. And he has been here long enough to remember Sony's change-over from reporting "shipped" (produced) consoles (ie including any sent out as replacements), to the shipped figures which they now do, and thus correspond with Nintendo and Microsoft.

Ps3_GOW said:

Does anyone think that all the replaced Xbox 360's effects the sales much? Like what drkohler said that it could be approximately 200000 units that are fake, does that sound right? or do you guys think it's much more?

With all due respect, I'd like pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, olives and extra cheese on my pizza.

Mucho gracias. 

starcraft said:
Squilliam said:
starcraft said:
Squilliam said:

You an Abbo-boy? You a damn filthy sand nigger?


Ha, may want to take that one down. I know what the joke is, but many American's may think its directed at them..............






How about this?

P. to the I. to the G. to the G. to the L. to the E.

OT: Right. This thread PHAILS HARD.