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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is The Xbox 360 Sales Right Or Wrong?

I was just thinking and the Xbox 360 has a hardware sales of 19.13 million according to VG Chartz, but it has a 33% failure rate, so is Microsoft including the replaced Xbox 360's in the 19.13 million or not?

If they are including the replaced sales then shouldn't the sales really be at 12.73 million (minus 33% of 19 million)

You can't help but root for the underdog, GO PS3!

End of 08' Sales

Wii:                      39.56

Xbox 360:           24.75

Playstation 3:     20.58

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The 33% number thrown around is the estimated percentage of Xboxes that will, at some point in their lifetimes, show a defect due to overheating and are returned to the shop where they were bought. This by no means says that 6.4 million Xboxes have failed. As we all know (at least those who went through the rrods, ms plays musical chairs with the faulty boxes, e.g. your bad box goes to a repair centre and is replaced by another, repaired box (hopefully). There was an article where an ms technician disputed the 33% number and reported a "normal fault rate of around 3-4%", this in ms' eyes means that of all the rroded xboxes, 3-4% were unrecoverably damaged. If we assume that by this time around 6 million Xboxes have gone through the rrod cycle, this means that approximately 200-230'000 Xboxes had to be scrapped and replaced by ms. This means of the 19.2 million xboxes sold, approximately 200'000 units are "fake" sales.

Microsoft is including the replacements in its shipped data.But ,the 33% number has decreased to a 16-17% more or less.

Microsoft doesn't include anything in these numbers. It is strictly retail sales. That 33% figure only applies really to the launch consoles, they have a revision in place pretty soon afterwards for the heatsink on the GPU which cut the faults down considerably.

Since then they've also had a new motherboard design (Falcon) along with a smaller, cooler CPU.

They've probably tweaked a few other things as well...


And we still haven't heard a single instance of a manufactured post-October system breaking down. Given how much of a hard-on the internet has for any and all cases of Rrod, thats something.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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VGC only include the number of 360's that are bought from shops brand new, or online shops. This thread = fail.

This thread is interesting,because the difference between NPD and Vgchartz for cumulated sales in NA is sensible.Ioi has told sometimes that he takes a look at shipped figures to make his numbers.And Microsoft includes in its shipments the replacement consoles.This could explain the difference.

Diomedes1976 said:
This thread is interesting,because the difference between NPD and Vgchartz for cumulated sales in NA is sensible.Ioi has told sometimes that he takes a look at shipped figures to make his numbers.And Microsoft includes in its shipments the replacement consoles.This could explain the difference.

 Would you give us a link to to back up those two sentences???

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starcraft said:
And we still haven't heard a single instance of a manufactured post-October system breaking down. Given how much of a hard-on the internet has for any and all cases of Rrod, thats something.

well i can confirm that there is atleast one. i bought a xbox 360 console about 6 weeks ago and it lasted a total of 15 minutes while playing halo 3 before it froze, turned off then had the 3 red rings when turned back on.

Welcome to VGChartz, disrupt3r.

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