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The 33% number thrown around is the estimated percentage of Xboxes that will, at some point in their lifetimes, show a defect due to overheating and are returned to the shop where they were bought. This by no means says that 6.4 million Xboxes have failed. As we all know (at least those who went through the rrods, ms plays musical chairs with the faulty boxes, e.g. your bad box goes to a repair centre and is replaced by another, repaired box (hopefully). There was an article where an ms technician disputed the 33% number and reported a "normal fault rate of around 3-4%", this in ms' eyes means that of all the rroded xboxes, 3-4% were unrecoverably damaged. If we assume that by this time around 6 million Xboxes have gone through the rrod cycle, this means that approximately 200-230'000 Xboxes had to be scrapped and replaced by ms. This means of the 19.2 million xboxes sold, approximately 200'000 units are "fake" sales.