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Forums - General Discussion - "US al qaida free""iraq safer than detroit""terrorists want bearnaise sauce

konnichiwa said:
supermario128 said:
damkira said:

The statement "Iraq is safer than Detroit," is complete nonsense. Do they have car bombs and IEDs in Detroit?

Exactly what I was thinking, I've been to Detroit many many times and I haven't seen any bombs.

I don't know the crime rates in Detroit but isn't it possible she also takes other things in consideration? Rapes, Theft, Carjacking etc?

  Rapes, theft, carjacking etc. don't kill you though...


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Esmoreit said:
I stopped reading after:

"But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America. "

Millions of people wánt the US in Darfur and Rwanda and soon the Congo. Those troops can actually do some good there for the starving people and better yet, they are wanted there from the get-go (instead of NEEDED now after a couple of years in Iraq.) Plus it's a lot more safer (The foreign troops stationed there now are hardly, if ever attacked by the Janjaweeds)

 I think the Congolians prefer the Chinese these days,  while the Western World is just giving some money and some food to Congo,  China is creating a lot of factories/mines in the first place to get more products over to China but the Congolians don't see it that way, they see that the Chinese are creating work and they see that the Chinese invest a lot money and the Congolians prefer work and get money of it than just some food packages...    And we can't forget the issue that the Congolians this days are seeing the Chinese as bloodbrotheres...They were also slaves and they had also suffered from the White man;.

Now I am only talking about the population;....The government is another issue..The government is corrupted and don't allow that Western Countries calls the government corrupted: as an Example 'Belgium ambassades are closed cause of the Belgian foreign minister who said 'It is sad to give the Congolian government so much money while the ordinary citizen barely see something of it while the government members have all bought a new house and car, we can only conclude the government only used the money for theirself and not for the population'.  The Congolian government would probably prefer that the Chinese government give them money because they don't care what will happen with it,  The Chinese government needs Congo for the products in their first place so if the government is happy the Chinese government will be happy too...while the Western World see Congo more as a problem the Chinese see them more as a need..

brute said:
Cougarman said:
"by Ann Coulter" i stopped reading there

then you already read it all


actually...her name was near the top originally, i decided to move it to the bottom after i discovered people were going to act childish

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

MrBubbles said:
brute said:
Cougarman said:
"by Ann Coulter" i stopped reading there

then you already read it all


actually...her name was near the top originally, i decided to move it to the bottom after i discovered people were going to act childish

Act childish? The woman is clearly nutty as a fruitcake, you can't actually expect anybody to take her opinions seriously.

@Sqrl. I think people would reply properly to the article if they felt that it had enough merit on its own to be worth replying to. When a person posts opinions this offensive the only reaction you will get is disgust.

The way she talks about the Iraqi people is seriously as offensive to me as somebody saying 'Blacks are an inferior race to white people and should be slaves'. 

What comments precisely about the iraqi people did you find to be on par with comments like that?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

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does anyone actually agree with this pathetic excuse for a journalist?

MrBubbles said:



In a conversation recently, I mentioned as an aside what a great president George Bush has been and my friend was surprised. I was surprised that he was surprised.


I generally don't write columns about the manifestly obvious, but, yes, the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.

Produce one person who believed, on Sept. 12, 2001, that there would not be another attack for seven years, and I'll consider downgrading Bush from "Great" to "Really Good."

Merely taking out Saddam Hussein and his winsome sons Uday and Qusay (Hussein family slogan: "We're the Rape Room People!") constitutes a greater humanitarian accomplishment than anything Bill Clinton ever did -- and I'm including remembering Monica's name on the sixth sexual encounter.

But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America.

It is unquestionable that Bush has made this country safe by keeping Islamic lunatics pinned down fighting our troops in Iraq. In the past few years, our brave troops have killed more than 20,000 al-Qaida and other Islamic militants in Iraq alone. That's 20,000 terrorists who will never board a plane headed for JFK -- or a landmark building, for that matter.

We are, in fact, fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them at, say, the corner of 72nd and Columbus in Manhattan -- the mere mention of which never fails to enrage liberals, which is why you should say it as often as possible.

The Iraq war has been a stunning success. The Iraqi army is "standing up" (as they say), fat Muqtada al-Sadr --the Dr. Phil of Islamofascist radicalism -- has waddled off in retreat to Iran, and Sadr City and Basra are no longer war zones. Our servicemen must be baffled by the constant nay-saying coming from their own country.

The Iraqis have a democracy -- a miracle on the order of flush toilets in that godforsaken region of the world. Despite its newness, Iraq's democracy appears to be no more dysfunctional than one that would condemn a man who has kept the nation safe for seven years while deifying a man who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his entire life except to give speeches about "change."

(Guess what Bill Clinton's campaign theme was in 1992? You are wrong if you guessed: "bringing dignity back to the White House." It was "change." In January 1992, James Carville told Steve Daley of The Chicago Tribune that it had gotten to the point that the press was complaining about Clinton's "constant talk of change.")

Monthly casualties in Iraq now come in slightly lower than a weekend with Anna Nicole Smith. According to a CNN report last week, for the entire month of May, there were only 19 troop deaths in Iraq. (Last year, five people on average were shot every day in Chicago.) With Iraqi deaths at an all-time low, Iraq is safer than Detroit -- although the Middle Eastern food is still better in Detroit. 

Al-Qaida is virtually destroyed, surprising even the CIA. Two weeks ago,">The Washington Post reported: "Less than a year after his agency warned of new threats from a resurgent al-Qaida, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays the terrorist movement as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world, including in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border."

It's almost as if there's been some sort of "surge" going on, as strange as that sounds.

Just this week,">The New York Times reported that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in Southeast Asia have all but disappeared, starved of money and support. The U.S. and Australia have been working closely with the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, sending them counterterrorism equipment and personnel.

But no one notices when 9/11 doesn't happen. Indeed, if we had somehow stopped the 9/11 attack, we'd all be watching Mohammed Atta being interviewed on">MSNBC, explaining his lawsuit against the Bush administration. Maureen Dowd would be writing columns describing Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a "wannabe" terrorist being treated like Genghis Khan by an excitable Bush administration.

We begin to forget what it was like to turn on the TV, see a tornado, a car chase or another Pamela Anderson marriage and think: Good -- another day without a terrorist attack.

But liberals have only blind hatred for Bush -- and for those brute American interrogators who do not supply extra helpings of bearnaise sauce to the little darlings at Guantanamo with sufficient alacrity.

The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance.

by Ann Coulter

bolded= shit

underlined= OK

not anything done= IDK what to think.


"john McCain should be so lucky as to be running for bush's third term. Then he might have a chance."


Is she whacked?

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

-- Ann Coulter, September 12th, 2001.

Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist"; "I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties"; "I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning.

-- Ann Coulter, January 10th, 2005.

I think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.

-- Ann Coulter, February 26th, 2001.

sure...she does spew a lot of crap. but occaisionally she will make a couple decent points.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

Rath said:
MrBubbles said:
brute said:
Cougarman said:
"by Ann Coulter" i stopped reading there

then you already read it all


actually...her name was near the top originally, i decided to move it to the bottom after i discovered people were going to act childish

Act childish? The woman is clearly nutty as a fruitcake, you can't actually expect anybody to take her opinions seriously.

@Sqrl. I think people would reply properly to the article if they felt that it had enough merit on its own to be worth replying to. When a person posts opinions this offensive the only reaction you will get is disgust.

The way she talks about the Iraqi people is seriously as offensive to me as somebody saying 'Blacks are an inferior race to white people and should be slaves'.

See from where I'm sitting the article has a few contentious points and certainly some boorish comments but even so nothing really offensive ...maybe I missed something though, feel free to point it out. But even if you should find something terribly insensitive it still doesn't mean that that single comment outweighs everything else and removes all merit from what was written. To think that way is truly just a cop-out so you don't have to think. Everyone of course has the right to do this if they should want to (within the boundaries of the forum rules anyways), but if that is their choice then I have the right to call them on it as well.

I think there are absolutely some valid points made in the article. For instance she is absolutely correct that nobody thought we would avoid another attack for 7 (almost 7 anyways) years and thanks in large part to an aggressive ant-terrorism effort we have been. I honestly don't see why liberals don't admit this and move on, particularly with the way things are going in Iraq right now (ie extremely well). Although in fairness there are a number of things both parties need to admit to and move on.

I haven't checked the accuracy of her numbers but her proposal that Iraq is safer than Detroit is somewhat of an ironic one when you consider that Iraq is a war-torn nation and Detroit is a major US city. Which is of course why people respond so strongly to her saying so, but if she is correct that Chicago had 5 deaths per day last year then I wouldn't be surprised if the 19 deaths of May represented a lower death count for our troops in Iraq than the citizens of Detroit. You are correct however that the comparison still leaves out civilians, so the comparison is absolutely skewed (for a number of reasons beyond just this one actually)...but it still makes a valid point that Iraq is safer than most people believe. Or do you dispute what practically everyone who has visited Iraq in the last 3 months has said (I'm seriously asking not trying to be a dick)?

She then goes on to list a number of accomplishments that are a result of our work in Iraq according to a variety of sources she lists and please keep in mind that according to your statement those things are somehow without merit since they are part of her article. This is really my underlying point, that by disregarding it you miss out on what is there. There is plenty of stuff people say that I disagree with but it doesn't mean I ignore everything they have to say, to be blunt that would be petty.

She is also correct that there are a ton of lies that are spread about Bush all over (and not just on the internet), I'm honestly more disgusted with the alacrity with which people throw away their critical thinking in favor of mob mentality than I am with what Coulter said...but thats because I expect it from Coulter where as I still think it is fairly amazing people are so quick to throw reason out the window. Perhaps I shouldn't be that surprised...

I want to point out I'm not talking about somehow who merely believes different than I do with my comment in the last paragraph. Its the way people default to hatred mode when a person or group they don't like is brought up. No matter what the circumstances they will find fault.

I have on several occasions on this forum discussed what I dislike about what Bush has done during his presidency and perhaps my greatest gripe with this article is Coulter claiming Bush to be a great president. But I still look at every decision Bush makes on the merits of that decision alone and I don't get caught up with how much I'm supposed to hate him according to the Democrats and Liberals the same as I don't get caught up with how much I'm supposed to like him according to the Conservatives and Anne Coulter.

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