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Esmoreit said:
I stopped reading after:

"But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America. "

Millions of people wánt the US in Darfur and Rwanda and soon the Congo. Those troops can actually do some good there for the starving people and better yet, they are wanted there from the get-go (instead of NEEDED now after a couple of years in Iraq.) Plus it's a lot more safer (The foreign troops stationed there now are hardly, if ever attacked by the Janjaweeds)

 I think the Congolians prefer the Chinese these days,  while the Western World is just giving some money and some food to Congo,  China is creating a lot of factories/mines in the first place to get more products over to China but the Congolians don't see it that way, they see that the Chinese are creating work and they see that the Chinese invest a lot money and the Congolians prefer work and get money of it than just some food packages...    And we can't forget the issue that the Congolians this days are seeing the Chinese as bloodbrotheres...They were also slaves and they had also suffered from the White man;.

Now I am only talking about the population;....The government is another issue..The government is corrupted and don't allow that Western Countries calls the government corrupted: as an Example 'Belgium ambassades are closed cause of the Belgian foreign minister who said 'It is sad to give the Congolian government so much money while the ordinary citizen barely see something of it while the government members have all bought a new house and car, we can only conclude the government only used the money for theirself and not for the population'.  The Congolian government would probably prefer that the Chinese government give them money because they don't care what will happen with it,  The Chinese government needs Congo for the products in their first place so if the government is happy the Chinese government will be happy too...while the Western World see Congo more as a problem the Chinese see them more as a need..