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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What future game release will make you buy another console?

Machina-AX said:
Already own all 3.

The only thing I don't own is a PSP and I can't really see myself buying one no matter what is released on it because I just don't 'get' portable gaming and the only reason we have a DS is that it's for the whole family to use (I rarely use it myself).

 You can always plug the Slim into the TV.

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I own a PS3 but if the Wii gets some excellent 3rd party games (nothing in particular just solid support) I'll buy one for under $150.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

I am seriously thinking about buying a PS3. I have always loved Sony exclusives, and if PS3 keeps getting Jak, Ratchet, Tekken, and so on, I would love one. I also think of Resident Evil as a Sony series, and I would want RE5 on PS3. The game I really wish they would announce is a new Twisted Metal. That would make me buy a PS3 in an instant. Right now, I only own a Wii, and I'm happy with it.

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MGS4 already had.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

None. Already got a Wii and 360 and have no intention of getting a PS3. Nope not even for a blu-ray player, cause yes my laptop has it.

And if I really needed to play a PS3, my bro has it.

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I only have a Wii and not being a core gamer, I wouldn't get either 360 or PS3 at least until they dropped down to around $200 and there's a bunch of games I want. Perhaps not even then, I already have more games than I have time to play on Wii.


I only own a PS3, and the only game that i would of bought a system for is GTA, but after the recent upset that was GTA4, there is no other game that would make me buy another system. But i would of bought a 360 this gen if it was not for the $400 a gen in XBL costs. But if XBL was free i would of bought a PS3 later in time for FF13 and GT5.

Final fantasy 13 could make me buy ps3. :)