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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do graphics matter?

more pixels per second can make a game have more elements at the same time, like more enemies on screen at the same time, also the framerate is very important and that has to do with the power of a console

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PS360ForTheWin said:
depends on the game, some games trade on looking realistic (Gran Turismo, COD4, etc) some games trade on realistic gameplay (Wii Sports, Rock Band)
 I think you may miss the point. With exactly the same gameplay Wii sports would only be better with the graphics being better. It wouldnt hurt it at all. 


Because detail adds a lot to a game, GTA4 would not be as fun if the hookers were stick figures, Warhawk would not be has fun and intense if you were flying in paper airplanes shooting balls at eachother, Halo would not be hailed if it was 2D, Gran Turismo would not sell if the cars didnt look realistic, need I go on?

Simply put, games are more enjoyable and enticing when they are realistic, or rather suppose to look realistic.

Graphics also help to set games apart from eachother, do you think there would be a Call of Duty series if the graphics were that of the original Doom? Would we have a Gran Turismo 5 if the graphics were the same as the 1st?

Graphics do make games better, no matter how you try to put it.

People are naturally inclined towards beautiful things whether natural or man-made. And making comparisons to judge who or what is more beautiful is part of our psyche. Graphics can sell a game at first sight but gameplay takes more effort to evaluate and is key.

selnor said:
Ayone who says graphics dont matter dont really understand what they are saying.

Because Tetris is only possible in HD?

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lightbleeder said:
more pixels per second can make a game have more elements at the same time, like more enemies on screen at the same time, also the framerate is very important and that has to do with the power of a console

 That only benefits you if the game was exclusive to hd and can't run in sd. @ Everybody else,What is your favorite game of all time? Does it have good graphics?Not for it's time , but if that game was played now would it have good graphics?

sc94597 said:

 That only benefits you if the game was exclusive to hd and can't run in sd. @ Everybody else,What is your favorite game of all time? Does it have good graphics?Not for it's time , but if that game was played now would it have good graphics?

Lol, not mine for sure :3 None of my favorites would be be considered for having good graphics :3 SNES for the win^^

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.


Sights in games are far more impressive when they are in HD. Look at the skyine in algonquin, if the game did not have as good graphics, that would be far more impressive The graphics also increas your immersion in the game. Having great graphics make the characters seem more real, and improves the story for you. Also, think of the intensity in Call of Duty, if the explosions did not seem as real, would it feel as hectic and exciting? Gaming is about immersion and while you can be immersed in a styleised world, if the developer is choosing a realistic setting, then having better graphics just improves the experience

Graphics do matter. They create an atmosphere within the game.

I can tell you, games would be less immersive with basic, 2D graphics.

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Quick somebody post a pic of a hot girl to show this guy that looks in fact matter.