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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do graphics matter?

lBecause gaming is party an interactive and a visual medium. Whilst a game doesn't need great art-style or graphics to be a great game what it does do it make the game a more well-rounded product. If your going to stare at something for hours it might as well be visually interesting. The visual style also adds to the charm and atmosphere. For example, if Bioshock didn't have its art deco stylings it wouldn't have been as compelling a game.

BTW our eyes understand black and white images more easily, thats why lots of people absolutely love the aesthetics of a black and white film or photograph and its something I wish more games designers would utlilise. And I disagree that if a film is made with modern technology the film would be better. It depends on the people behind and infront of the camera aswell, if they aren't as good as the people that made the original film its simple not going to be as compelling an experience . For example I doubt a modern remake of citizen kane or 2001 would be as great as the originals even though the technical aspects would obviously be years ahead.

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I'm getting a sense of deja vu here... You sure we haven't had this discussion before on VGC...?

Slimebeast said:
I'm getting a sense of deja vu here... You sure we haven't had this discussion before on VGC...?

No. Never. This is thread 1 on this discussion.

On topic, I think you could just as easily ask why some guys care so much about dating an attractive woman. I suppose in some utopian society we could all stop being superficial and could instead care exclusively about the essential underpinnings, but alas, this isn't how our species has been wired, even if that wiring evolved for reasons that are no longer relevant.">">

Another thing is art is a form of manipulation. Being pretty endears the medium to us mortals.

Because DeVry said so.
"tighten up the graphics"

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

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Just play COD4 on the 360/ps3/PC and then play it on the DS. If you still think graphics do nothing to improve a game, then you're in denial.

Graphics is going to be important if you want to feel the immersion. Atmosphere is built very well with great graphics. But it also depends on the game you're playing. No one wants to see a photo realistic mario lol.. thats just plain weird. But action/racing games need the graphical edge to take them that extra step. Puzzle and simple platformers can have it a bit easier.

COD4 feels so much better when you're playing it maxed out at 60fps than if you played it on low settings at low res. Graphics improve your perception of the game, and hence your enjoyment. You don't want to play a game that looks like ass, even if it does have great gameplay. They work in synergy.

Ayone who says graphics dont matter dont really understand what they are saying. Better graphics only enhance the experience. It doesnt mean it has to be realistic, even Mario Galaxy wuld be better again with HD textures, more Polys and a higher framerate. But you would still have a cartoon look to. Gameplay is the most important thing, but great graphics help to make it that much better.

Huh? Of course graphics matter. You must own a wii, since you say stuff like graphics should not be rated.

Who would have played likes of bioshock, gears of war or even mass effect with crappy cartoony graphics?



 That was stupid, I own a wii too but still I care about graphics. :D

depends on the game, some games trade on looking realistic (Gran Turismo, COD4, etc) some games trade on realistic gameplay (Wii Sports, Rock Band)