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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Fable 2 Screens. One sexy looking game.

Those are some damn fine screens. I'll wait for the PC version though.

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phil said:

You've either nevr played Oblivion, are high, or just want to hype up Fable 2 because it's coming out for your system of choice. My money is on the latter.

I've played Oblivion, check out the Fable 2 vid links I posted, its far better looking than Oblivion.

I don't hype games because they are coming out on certain platforms, I hype them because they look like quality games.

I'm more of a games for the sake of games than a games for the sake of consoles kinda guy.

Who knows though?  I could be high, but I wouldn't be likely to admit it would I? 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Fable 2 





Oblivion, the king of RPGs: 

Obviously Oblivion looks the best, hands down. But Fable 2 comes on a good second place.

Uncharted's environments are infinitely better than Oblivion or Fable from looking at those screens. No comparison.

Oblivions are nicer than Fables though.

As in go buy us some coffee.

Slimebeast said:

Fable 2



Oblivion, the king of RPGs:

Obviously Oblivion looks the best, hands down. But Fable 2 comes on a good second place.

Check out the video slimebeast.

In motion there are no comparisons.

Fable 2's environments rock, and its lighting is better than Halo 3's (in other words the best on any console). 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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The eerie thing about what we've seen so far about fable2 is that the environments are just fantastic while the character designs are bland and uninteresting.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).


I agreee. Fable 2 looks even better in motion.

Based on the demo showings, Fable is the best looking game in this gen.

The HDR lighting is perfect, and I the art-style is a good compromise between cartoon n realistic.

Bitmap Frogs said:
The eerie thing about what we've seen so far about fable2 is that the environments are just fantastic while the character designs are bland and uninteresting.

Which was more or less how fable looked. The graphics are looking good so far, I hope they've spent as much time improving the combat system.

ok you have to tell me what you guys smoke or drink.... it looks damn good :p

I am sorry but you lot are seriously looking at them pics with you fanboy eyes. wink

I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all.

I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks