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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Fable 2 Screens. One sexy looking game.

Tuanniez said:

Calm down Starcraft. Now it migth beat Uncharted, we don't know until release day. But you say that too easily for my likeing lol.

I don't trust screen shots really. I'll wait till release day to see how the game turns out. I've seen a few games that get released, and have their graphics toned down. I remember Deus Ex Invisible Wars.. those screens were so good, but the final product kinda sucked ass. Age of Conan was toned down too as well I think. It looks good now, but lets not get too crazy guys. And really, you'll hardly know that it looks better than Uncharted anyway.

And so what if it does look better, the release between the two games is going to be over a year, not surprising if it does look better. We expect those kind of things with time.

And how dare you attack MGS4 graphics starcraft! =P


Haha, I dont trust them that easily either, thats why I focused on the videos linked to in this thread.

I actually think that MGS4 looks really good (got to see a bit in action at a store today).  But its never been about the graphics with that game, and its not the most impressive on the PS3.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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selnor said:
I dont think Uncharted went for realism. I think it looks rather suedo cartoony. Yes I have played it, and I never really understood what most people thought that the graphics were so good for. I just hate last gen textures and Uncharted had a few.

Lol.  I thought Gobius might have had a spasm if I mentioned the old textures.  But to be fair, Fable 2 might end up having them in the final release............


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I think that windmill hut area loks unbelievable. The shadowing and lighting in this vid are just amazing. Cant really remember anything in Uncharted quite like this. Even my PS3 mate agrees, although he's not blinded by fanboyism.


Lol. I love that video. Its awesome. And thats what it looks like captured off-screen. Still eight months from release. WOW!

The longer version is at the link I made on the first page. Its still off-screen, but its better quality.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Yeh true starcraft, but most of age of conan I saw were videos as well. Hell the game wasn't even released with directx10 in the end lol.
Well I'm not sure about you starcraft, because you said you saw it at the store. But I play MGS4 on my HDTV at 1080p, and all I can say is that it is pretty much a head above every game released right now.
I'm not going to defend uncharted, because to tell you guys the truth. When I got it, I was expecting more lol. It still looked awesome, but I was expecting it to look better (not much better though).
Still, like I said, Fable 2 is getting released over a yr after Uncharted, its a no brainer if it did look better. I'm not an idiot fanboy, a new game needs to look better than an old one. Or we'll just be moving backwards, no one wants that lol.

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Tuanniez said:
Yeh true starcraft, but most of age of conan I saw were videos as well. Hell the game wasn't even released with directx10 in the end lol.
Well I'm not sure about you starcraft, because you said you saw it at the store. But I play MGS4 on my HDTV at 1080p, and all I can say is that it is pretty much a head above every game released right now.
I'm not going to defend uncharted, because to tell you guys the truth. When I got it, I was expecting more lol. It still looked awesome, but I was expecting it to look better (not much better though).
Still, like I said, Fable 2 is getting released over a yr after Uncharted, its a no brainer if it did look better. I'm not an idiot fanboy, a new game needs to look better than an old one. Or we'll just be moving backwards, no one wants that lol.

I haven't spoken to many people that think MGS4 is the be-all and end-all of graphics (though they certainly think they are great).  They normally tout the gameplay.

I think Fable 2 (the final released version) will look substantially better than Uncharted.

"any game needs to look better than an old one. Or we'll just be moving backwards, no one wants that lol."

HAHA!!! Wii fanboys must LOVE you. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Wii fanboys can dislike me all they want! hahahah. Anyway I'm off, I got dumb exams to study for. Gay aussie weather, makes it hard to study lol. I'm cold =(

Tuanniez said:
Wii fanboys can dislike me all they want! hahahah. Anyway I'm off, I got dumb exams to study for. Gay aussie weather, makes it hard to study lol. I'm cold =(

Your telling me.  I have a severe cough, am freezing, and I have to make my way through Sydney on Monday to get to UNSW for an economics exam.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Jandre002 said:
You know MGS4 came out yesterday right? So while the day before yesterday this would have been "sexy" it has now been downgraded to "damn near sexy" because the bar has been raised by approx. 6.25 sex points.

In all seriousness though, that looks pretty good for an RPG.
Graphically MGS4 isn't that impressive. Or did you mean overall sexiness? Not even Sony fans have been hyping MGS4's graphics.


 Well sony fans are not hyping MGS4 graphics becasue IGN and Gamespot are doing better job.

Am I reported?
For stating the obvious?
And for trying to hold back a troll in a Fable 2 thread, that out of the blue, ended up competing an 8 month game?
Give me a break you troll!
And report me all that you want!
Still, I am gonna play this game. You re gonna lose the chance because of all the hatred.
(Notice. I played Uncharted, I enjoyed it and i think is one of the best 10 games i played so far in this generation. Really, did YOU play it??)