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Forums - Website Topics - Vgchartz T-Shirts Competition, Win and you Can Make $ (dollars, not vgc$)

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Finaly managed to get my scanner to work, Il post my design below but I normaly have a 25% success on postin images... technology hates me lol.

Edit - It worked efore, but it was too big. Now I have resized it and it wont work someone help me please!!! :'(

Edit 2 - The resized version wasnt any smaller for some reason so i took it off.

Im just gonna give the link and if someone is feeling nice they can give me a code thatl work for my design...

Heres the link -

BengaBenga's is my favorite so far, but Skewer's come in a close second. I think the goal should be to make it look as close to normal commercially sold shirts as possible. We want people to wear these. I mean, I love VGChartz, but I love a lot of the clubs and groups I'm affiliated with. That doesn't make me willing to wear retarded t-shirts sold by them. My favorite style are those that look like any shirt you might pick up at some clothing store (i.e. American Eagle, Gap, Hollister, etc.), but upon closer inspection, someone realizes it's actually endorsing something.

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No one is going to pay to just wear a big VGChartz logo. BengaBenga and Skeezer's designs look nice, but I don't think anyone would buy them.

It should be something funny, with just a little VGChartz logo somewhere.

Gurok's Star Fox design, if simplified and optimized for a shirt, could be cool.

Is there an AI or PDF or EPS of the logo somewhere?

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Wahey it works! also I would make a digital version of my design if needed which would make everything a lot more crisp and eyecatching.

its a rough mock up but...

and i am open to teh saying on the back being a bit flasher or more catchy, but i love the classic look on teh a super hero style outfit


^^ reminds me of a football shirt minus the name, numbers, ads etc :D