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Forums - General Discussion - Why is life such a harsh reality? Also going to a VG fancy dress party

I have just come back from my holiday 30 minutes ago, I was very happy for the first time in months because for the last week all I've done is have barbies by the sea, swimming chilling with my mates and so on. In the past half hour all this happyness has been beaten out of me. I have come back to £300 worth of bills!!! My landlord called and the locks on my front door (at my uni house, I'm at my parents atm) have been destroyed somehow, most likely by someone trying to break in, either way they don't work.

I guess when it rains it storms huh


Oh also I'm going out for fancy dress and a few of us  have decided to go as video game characters, what do you think I should go as? I could go as solid snake as I've dressed like him before and still have most of the costume. But I also want to be original so I don't know who to go as.

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Dress up as Kirby

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

Move to Cornwall. It solves all your problems, promise.

As I just told Mistershine, Cornwall is so beautiful, I would move in a second. I'm always happy when I'm there. Birmingham is so depressing, so far from the sea, everyone is a chav, you can't walk the streets at night for fear of being stabbed and the majority of the population is below the poverty line. I wish I lived in the south west

Do it then! Seriously, it's that simple. I transferred to Plymouth uni (just into Devon) for the last year of my degree and moved to Cornwall. There are always reasons why it would be better to wait and reasons to stay where you are, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make the move if it's what you want to do. Have a look at the Plymouth Uni and Combined Universities in Cornwall websites and see if they do a similar course to your current one that you could transfer onto.

Plymouth have an open day on June 18th if you can make it down.

But if you're worried about people below the poverty line, there's something most people don't realise - Cornwall is the poorest region in the UK.

Around the Network

Dress as Tingle.

You will be very unique, I promise.

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Well, I am looking to do another degree when I have finished my current one so I will look into Plymouth uni. Also, I have a lot of friends who live in Plymouth so it could be a good thing.

Life just got worse. I just found out that I will officially be homeless from 28th june until 1st July. I could cry right now. The plan is to see if my grandad will let me sleep on the sofa.

Aren't there any friends or parents who could put you up for a few days?

How about a Goomba, or Mumbo Jumbo from Banjo-Kazooie.

Currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Red Steel.

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