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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crystal Bearers cancelled?

Also I'm not saying it is canned, I'm saying there is a good chance it is canned.

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sc94597 said:

Because the article was mainly about Ring of Fates



Good lord, if the ONLY focus was for RoF, they could've just wrote a new article altogether.



vdoesntforgive said:
sc94597 said:

Because the article was mainly about Ring of Fates



Good lord, if the ONLY focus was for RoF, they could've just wrote a new article altogether.


Actually the article was more on him than RoF or TCB, but that still doesn't mean they wouldn't put the article up just because TCB got cancelled.


Nevermind. This is getting nowhere.

I guess you're just going to have to wait and see.


You're basing all your assumptions on the fact that there hasn't been any new info for a year.

You say there's a good chance it got canned.

I say there's a 1% chance it got canned.

Who's more correct? NOBODY KNOWS.

We have
A) FFXIII, of which you haven't seen anything new since the initial media, and
B) FFCC:CB, of which you haven't seen anything new since the initial media, and
we're complaining why? Yes, FFXIII will be featured at the SE party, but until then, we haven't seen anything new from either game, so what's the big complaint?

I'll wait til after the SE party before I complain about the lack of TCB.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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BenKenobi88 said:
You're basing all your assumptions on the fact that there hasn't been any new info for a year.

You say there's a good chance it got canned.

I say there's a 1% chance it got canned.

Who's more correct? NOBODY KNOWS.

We have
A) FFXIII, of which you haven't seen anything new since the initial media, and
B) FFCC:CB, of which you haven't seen anything new since the initial media, and
we're complaining why? Yes, FFXIII will be featured at the SE party, but until then, we haven't seen anything new from either game, so what's the big complaint?

I'll wait til after the SE party before I complain about the lack of TCB.
But not only that, but there hasn't been any confirmation that the game is still in developement for a year. While FFXIII(which not ohly is a main series FF(won't get cancelled unless the company goes bankrupt), and has been confirmed many times to be in developement including the recent SE party.


The blog post that confirmed Crystal Bearers was originally posted last December.


Not a year ago, damn.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

^Link? The date on the article said 07/6/6

*email sent*

*email received*

Not canned. Are we done with this now?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
*email sent*

*email received*

Not canned. Are we done with this now?

 Really?If you email them they just tell you?