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Forums - Sony Discussion - Life after MGS4...

My must play gaming this year is as follows...

DMC4 - multi
Condemned 2 - multi
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 360
MGS4 - ps3
Alone in the Dark - 360
Unreal Tournament 3 - 360
Soul Calibur 4 - Multi
Too Human - 360
Fable 2 - 360
Star Wars Unleashed - Wii
Project Origin - multi
Left 4 Dead - 360
Gears of War 2 - 360
Street fighter 4 - multi

So there is life after MGS4...just not that much on ps3.

Few PS3 games that fall in to "lets see how this turns out" are Resistance 2 and Little big planet.

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disolitude said:
My must play gaming this year is as follows...

DMC4 - multi
Condemned 2 - multi
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 360
MGS4 - ps3
Alone in the Dark - 360
Unreal Tournament 3 - 360
Soul Calibur 4 - Multi
Too Human - 360
Fable 2 - 360
Star Wars Unleashed - Wii
Project Origin - multi
Left 4 Dead - 360
Gears of War 2 - 360
Street fighter 4 - multi

So there is life after MGS4...just not that much on ps3.

Few PS3 games that fall in to "lets see how this turns out" are Resistance 2 and Little big planet.

I think bbsin's head just exploded.

 I give that post a 9.7. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

disolitude said:
My must play gaming this year is as follows...

DMC4 - multi
Condemned 2 - multi
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 360
MGS4 - ps3
Alone in the Dark - 360
Unreal Tournament 3 - 360
Soul Calibur 4 - Multi
Too Human - 360
Fable 2 - 360
Star Wars Unleashed - Wii
Project Origin - multi
Left 4 Dead - 360
Gears of War 2 - 360
Street fighter 4 - multi

So there is life after MGS4...just not that much on ps3.

Few PS3 games that fall in to "lets see how this turns out" are Resistance 2 and Little big planet.



lol! you even named 360 exclusive games . You fukin rebel.


LOL man. Why do you want only one game? And why PS3 only? I think its fair to list any game you think will be hype worthy no?

Battlefield: Bad Company, I'm actually getting if for the 360 though, but it will also be on the ps3, I'm getting if for the 360 only because alot of my 360 friends are getting it.

The online is great, the destruction is awesome, I played the beta more then 10 hours and the demo two hours and I can't wait for that game.

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LittleBigPlanet until Zelda Wii is announced. :P

disolitude said:

LOL man. Why do you want only one game? And why PS3 only? I think its fair to list any game you think will be hype worthy no?

Why are you trying to hard to defy me!?

.....But to answer your 3 questions.

-I want one game because I'd like to know the MOST anticipated game on people's list.

-It's PS3 only because the most anticipated PS3 game just launched and I want to see what PS3 owners want next (not to mention, this thread IS on the PS3 board)

-Not unless the question asks otherwise.....

Also, I am interested in Battlefield Bad Company. To anwser your question, the ONE Game i am interested in is Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and Battlefield Bad Company.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



little big planet >>> than all others

dbot said:
Also, I am interested in Battlefield Bad Company. To anwser your question, the ONE Game i am interested in is Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and Battlefield Bad Company.
