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Forums - Sony Discussion - Gametrailers: MGS4 Review

Get real people; MGS4 doesn't deserve a 10/10 for the same reason Halo 3 doesn't. It's a biased game that ONLY MGS fans would like. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but it's no where near from being perfect.

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sieanr said:

ssj12 said:
That review sucked and WTF They gave away spoilers at the end. Professionalism doesnt exist at GTs.

Oh please, get over yourself.

I also noticed that GT uses samples from Crystal Castle songs during the transitions - probably without permission.

 how about when Halo Chronicles is released I review it and give away the entire ending?

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ssj12 said:
sieanr said:

ssj12 said:
That review sucked and WTF They gave away spoilers at the end. Professionalism doesnt exist at GTs.

Oh please, get over yourself.

I also noticed that GT uses samples from Crystal Castle songs during the transitions - probably without permission.

how about when Halo Chronicles is released I review it and give away the entire ending?

Maste Chief confronts the opposing forces' leader, kills it, explosion, barely escapes with his life, explosion, looks up at the sky as he mentions to cortana his plans for the next Halo adventure. explosion.

Done. explosion.

bbsin said:
ssj12 said:
sieanr said:

ssj12 said:
That review sucked and WTF They gave away spoilers at the end. Professionalism doesnt exist at GTs.

Oh please, get over yourself.

I also noticed that GT uses samples from Crystal Castle songs during the transitions - probably without permission.

how about when Halo Chronicles is released I review it and give away the entire ending?

Maste Chief confronts the opposing forces' leader, kills it, explosion, barely escapes with his life, explosion, looks up at the sky as he mentions to cortana his plans for the next Halo adventure. explosion.

Done. explosion.

 Now look what you did, you went and wrecked the end of each Halo game for anyone for has never played them

I love Gametrailers. Another fair score, although I think there should be a severe penalty for linear games.

And it didn't beat Oblivon. =)

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I've had issues with reviews, but usually based on what I felt were faulty reasons (docking Mario Kart Wii for requiring more strategy than just snaking to the finish line). This review still says the game kicks ass.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:

I've had issues with reviews, but usually based on what I felt were faulty reasons (docking Mario Kart Wii for requiring more strategy than just snaking to the finish line). This review still says the game kicks ass.

Great comic!


Like I said in the other thread about this, it's a good score which people should be happy about.

WarmachineX said:
Get real people; MGS4 doesn't deserve a 10/10 for the same reason Halo 3 doesn't. It's a biased game that ONLY MGS fans would like. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but it's no where near from being perfect.

Thats was I was thinking, GTA IV didn't deserve 10.


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

bbsin said:
ssj12 said:
sieanr said:

ssj12 said:
That review sucked and WTF They gave away spoilers at the end. Professionalism doesnt exist at GTs.

Oh please, get over yourself.

I also noticed that GT uses samples from Crystal Castle songs during the transitions - probably without permission.

how about when Halo Chronicles is released I review it and give away the entire ending?

Maste Chief confronts the opposing forces' leader, kills it, explosion, barely escapes with his life, explosion, looks up at the sky as he mentions to cortana his plans for the next Halo adventure. explosion.

Done. explosion.

You forgot to mention the sergeant easter egg after the credits if you beat the game on legendary. Everyone knows thats the true ending.

Oh, and ssj, how about you stop claiming reviewers are biased just because they don't give a game a 10.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Yeah I think people are just way over reacting :P 9.3 is a damn good score ^_^ I still live in the times where anything 80+ percent is a must buy :)

I don't like seeing other games that fall much shorter get better scores, THAT does irk me, but whatever, every place is allowed some degree of bias :D I will say that Metal Gear Solid 4 is a technical masterpiece, sporting some of the greatest production values seen to date in a video game ^^

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