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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would a FFVII remake be exclusive to the PS3?

Certainly a great deal of people that played it on PS1 now own Xbox 360/Wii. And given it would be a remake, its got a greater chance of going to a non-Sony platform (even if it is multiplatform).

IS there any particular reason why Square Enix would invest large amounts of money into this title then make it Ps3 exclusive if Sony didn't pay for it?


1) Do you believe there will be a FFVII remake?

2) What platforms do you believe it will be on?

3) Why? 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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If FF13 is exclusive (which it currently is) to the PS3 then why would Sqaure remake FF7 and plonk it onto every console?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I think this game should be exclusive to sony as it was sony ps1 that hosted ff7.
plus the fact that they own like 8% of the company, but then again saying that if that wa a factor the the x360 would not be getting exclusives off them

FF7 for the wii?? pardon me while i lol.

Who cares? They haven't even started developing it.Try again in 3 years.

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*bleu-ocelot* said:
FF7 for the wii?? pardon me while i lol.
Why is it unreasonable that the most popular Japanese platform from the company that had console FF's before any other should get a FFVII remake?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:

Certainly a great deal of people that played it on PS1 now own Xbox 360/Wii. And given it would be a remake, its got a greater chance of going to a non-Sony platform (even if it is multiplatform).

IS there any particular reason why Square Enix would invest large amounts of money into this title then make it Ps3 exclusive if Sony didn't pay for it?


1) Do you believe there will be a FFVII remake?

2) What platforms do you believe it will be on?

3) Why?

1)  Yes.

2)  No platform currently available today.

3)  Squeenix has a habit of rehashing their franchises and they can make plenty of money from spinoffs in the meantime.  If they redid FF7 poorly, they'd likely lose all a lot of money off brand-name damage.  It's clear they want to capitalize on FF7 by doing spinoffs right now but once those sales start coming down, they'll do a remake to refresh the image.

I think people are forgetting that FF7 was on the PC as well.

Even though I think it should at least appear on the PS3 (exclusive or not), it would not surprise me if it went to another platform, seeing as how everyone shouts that FF7 was a PS1 game and yet 1-6 were nintendo platform games yet they appeared as remakes on non-nintendo platforms.

Personally, out of all the consoles including handhelds, I would hate to see it go on the Wii. It may sound like I'm hating on the wii, but the wii-mote and nunchuck would add ZERO to the gaming experience and you'd just be playing it like you would a 360, PS3, PSP or DS and that would be a shame, because there are things that the other platforms can do better than the Wii and the pulling point of the Wii amounts to nothing for this sort of game.

If Square-Enix showed any type of console loyalty when it came to remakes, then the remakes of 1 thru 6 would have only been on the next-gen nintendo home console.

In reality, they've been put on every single console they could put em on - favoring the most popular console out at the time. (Aka The anothologies on PS1, Then GBA, Then PSP, and now complete remakes that are being produced for DS)

Their loyalty is to the sales and marketing department.

1) I'm afraid that everyone who enjoyed FF VII once isn't interested in a remake anymore by the time Square-Enix starts to build it. Tbh, I'd rather see them combine, Crisis Core, Before Crisis and FF VII and combine it into one ultimate game or something like it. If possible offcourse. Based on the demand for it, I still expect it to come.

2) It will strongly depend on userbase, but for now: PS3. Allthough the 2 above me give enough proof that S-E has done otherwise in the past.

3) I think Sony is willing to pay for this as an exclusive. Timed is also a possibility offcourse, but I expect it to be fully exclusive.

EDIT: I would agree that I would hate it to see it go to the Wii. Allthough it's a possibility. At least I will be happy to see that I played and own the original copy of the game.