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I think people are forgetting that FF7 was on the PC as well.

Even though I think it should at least appear on the PS3 (exclusive or not), it would not surprise me if it went to another platform, seeing as how everyone shouts that FF7 was a PS1 game and yet 1-6 were nintendo platform games yet they appeared as remakes on non-nintendo platforms.

Personally, out of all the consoles including handhelds, I would hate to see it go on the Wii. It may sound like I'm hating on the wii, but the wii-mote and nunchuck would add ZERO to the gaming experience and you'd just be playing it like you would a 360, PS3, PSP or DS and that would be a shame, because there are things that the other platforms can do better than the Wii and the pulling point of the Wii amounts to nothing for this sort of game.