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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT Review Of Metal Gear Solid

Great score if you ask me fits right in with the current average on metacritic. 9.3

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

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good score, but I read the comments and a lot of people is angry with the review.

good score, but I read the comments and a lot of people is angry with the review.

I can see why, there isn't a 360 version with better graphics.




So, this game is not as good as GTA4?

I don't trust GT reviews and I too noticed alot of mgs4 fans left some angry comments but my objective is just to see more of the game and hear some info.

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Galaki said:
So, this game is not as good as GTA4?


i don't think it works like that.

They are different games, trying to achieve different goals and generally appeal to different kinds of people. I think for such a hardcore game like MGS4 to achieve this amount of universal praise this day and age is very good.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

9.3 because it's a ps3 game. plain and simple, I mean he picks on the blur in the gfx??? OMG that is picky. Yet Halo, Cod4 and gta4 have good but not fantastic gfx. Who cares really - as long as we love the game we shouldn't let them ruin for us.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

Yes, 9.3 is good, but is it METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GOOD? I don't know. Right now, it should be getting shit loads of 100's. Why is it not getting shit loads of 100's? This is supposed to be the PS3's best game!

I just watched the review and the game is amazing, the story is epic and the detail on Snake to the enemy troops to the textures are some of the best you will see until KZ2 comes out next year. The combat and the controls appear to have taken a big step forward from what they were last gen.

I'm not a fan of the series and have tried to get into it several times, but i can't help myself from wanting to own and play this game no matter how little i know about the series and how much i hate stealth games.

This game goes above and beyond what any other game does on the market and its being rated down for it. The guy reviewing the game bitches about retarded stuff, most of the stuff is because he can't understand it or just sucks at the controls.

I never really did pay attention to numbers, i care more about the summerized pros and cons... still good scores though right? anything above 90?