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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 is the king of rpg's this gen,so why isnt it doing good in japan

selnor said:
The DS is the king of rpg´s this generation not Xbox360.
Pointing out the obvious here. You cant compare handhelds to consoles. They are completely different markets. 360 has the best RPG lineup of consoles.


 Games are games, regardless of platform.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Riot Of The Blood said:
lmao @ the 360 being the RPG king. It doesn't even have 10 solid jrpg's.

none of them are 90% on the metric score but let fanboys be fanboys...


In any event the console that has the main series ff games is the RPG system since it will have a high score and sell more any other JRPG. on a console. but who knows seeing how things are  going if MS keeps buying everything it very well could be the King....but as of right now its not... since most of the RPGS are coming to the ps3 anyway just at a later date.


lastly we are all fooling ourselves if we think MS will beat the Wii on JRPGS.... sony cant beat them either. Watch time will tell. People go where the money is and wii has the highest install base and its so cheap to make games for it..... its pretty much over for all HD consoles in the near future.

ConAir said:
libellule said:
- global appealing : it is not a japanese console

- MS marketing : they have always focused on big western title (Halo3) more than their RPG exclusive (E Sonata, blue Dragon). It is possible nobody knows that so many RPG are coming on the Xbox360 and not on the PS3.

- Japanese market is weird : it has completely shifted on portable and Wii. Japanese dont care any more about the PS360 saloon console

 It's totally outside of this discussion, but what about the role that HD TV's play in this part. For PS360 you got to have a HD TV to benefit the most. (based upon graphics) Not everyone is willing to pay for that too.

that could be true as well. How is the HD TV adoption rate in japan?

I wouldn't discount that fact that the hardware is crap in this discussion. The Japanese may be much less tolerable of faulty hardware.

Japanese do not buy unless it is made in Japan.

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mmmmm... the Nintendo DS is the king of jRPG's this generation.

The fact that the 360 is deemed the king of RPG just show how poor this generation is with RPG. There are 3 "big" rpgs on 360 right now: Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata. They are all new ip and 2 of them are made by Namco and Namco's RPGs are not that popular unless they are called Tales. Star Ocean is relatively popular in Japan but the last game did better in North America. Tales of Vesperia could help as it is bundled. It's about as popular as Tales.

If you want to be the real king of RPGs in Japan, you must either have a Dragon Quest or a Final Fantasy.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


The DS is the King of rpgs so far this generation. PC rpgs are cr*ppy Western style rpgs. You know, go down a first-person corridor, draw a map, kill a goblin or two, somebody forgot to include a story, kill some more goblins, draw a bit more on a map, continue down the corridor, wish that the game had a story. Stuff like Oblivion and Might and Magic are in no way as good as jrpgs.

However as far as home console rpgs go, everyone is waiting for Final Fantasy XIII because they know that its the best the genre has to offer and its coming exclusively to PS3.

"Pointing out the obvious here. You cant compare handhelds to consoles. They are completely different markets. 360 has the best RPG lineup of consoles."

Yes you can. Here is how. Dragon Quest IX is coming exclusively to the Nintendo DS. Dragon Quest IX will never be released on XBOX 360.