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Riot Of The Blood said:
lmao @ the 360 being the RPG king. It doesn't even have 10 solid jrpg's.

none of them are 90% on the metric score but let fanboys be fanboys...


In any event the console that has the main series ff games is the RPG system since it will have a high score and sell more any other JRPG. on a console. but who knows seeing how things are  going if MS keeps buying everything it very well could be the King....but as of right now its not... since most of the RPGS are coming to the ps3 anyway just at a later date.


lastly we are all fooling ourselves if we think MS will beat the Wii on JRPGS.... sony cant beat them either. Watch time will tell. People go where the money is and wii has the highest install base and its so cheap to make games for it..... its pretty much over for all HD consoles in the near future.