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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom's confirmed E3 lineup

of course, Capcom likes to keep a couple aces up their sleeve to try to steal the show, so I'd expect some other big news. I still have a suspicion that they'll announce a Wii version of RE5, and before you scream that it can't be done, just picture it being done with the RE4 engine.

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Didn't Capcom say in some other statement that two of their biggest (or more important) projects in development now are Wii projects?

What is Plunder? never heard of it before...

LIke I said:
Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>
Developer: High Voltage Software
Game: The Conduit (Wii)

- Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>

Developer : Platinum Games

Game: Mega Man X9 (Wii/DS/PSP)





densiyrex said:
LIke I said:
Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>
Developer: High Voltage Software
Game: The Conduit (Wii)

- Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>

Developer : Platinum Games

Game: Mega Man X9 (Wii/DS/PSP)

State your proof/source.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
densiyrex said:
LIke I said:
Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>
Developer: High Voltage Software
Game: The Conduit (Wii)

- Capcom Project #1 [untitled] (other)>>>

Developer : Platinum Games

Game: Mega Man X9 (Wii/DS/PSP)

State your proof/source.

 Tbh there is none. I was just thinking about this. And I do see a lot of sense in it ( it was ment to be a practical joke)

Capcom would be the perfect publisher for The Conduit.

and Mega Man X9 is not really a strange option either and those platforms would suite. very well. ( ok ok platinum games is a bit over the top that would be a dream )





Sledgehammer/Chainsaw + Resident Evil 5 Graphics = Dead Rising 2


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

Parokki said:
It'll be interesting to see what the two unannounced projects are, and if Spyborgs looks decent or not.

Now that I think of it... do we know anything of Dark Void either? The name pops up every now and then, but I can't think of any concrete info.


They hinted at the AAA Wii games before so hopefully they'll come through for that.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Not very interesting lineup for me as a wii owner.

Sir, I bear a rhyme excellingin mystic force and magic spelling.